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Morpeth All Saints Church of England Aided First School

Yellow - KS2

Welcome to KS2 - Yellow Class!


Your Class Teacher is:  Mrs. Thompson

Mrs. Thompson will shortly be filling this page with lots of information and pictures.

Please let Mrs. Thompson know if  you have any ideas for your class webpage.

Times Tables


Please help your child learn their times tables at home. Five minutes a day can make a real difference to them and  will make the work over the next two terms so much easier. If you would like any help on how best to do this please contact me. Thank you.

I am happy to discuss your child's progress in Year 3 with you at any time. Please just catch me to make an appointment to come in either before or after school or please telephone the school office and I will return your call. Thank you. smiley 

Week commencing 17th September

I am so proud of how everyone is settling into life in KS2 ... you are all doing so well!

In English this week we have been working on extending sentences using conjunctions, writing book reports, tackling comprehension tasks and trying to use powerful verbs in our writing. It's been a busy week!

In Maths we have been adding and subtracting 1 and 2 digit numbers using our knowledge of number bonds, doubles and near doubles to help us. We are trying to spot strategies to help us and not to use our fingers.We also did some work on place value. 

In Science we started to group organisms and in geography we used atlases to identify regions of the world that contain tropical rainforests. We then coloured the regions onto our own maps and identified the countries.

In Music we played glockenspiels learning about rhythm and timing and in French we are learning about presenting ourselves. We had lots of dancing in class and PE with Newcastle United Foundation.


Week commencing 10th September.

We have had such a busy week in school. In Maths we are concentrating on number and carried out lots of work using our knowledge of number bonds. In English we are looking at Stories by the Same Author using books by the wonderful Michael Foreman. We have predicted outcomes, thought of our own imagined endings and carried out comprehension tasks. We drew animals from the Rainforest in Art, thinking about dimensions and proportion. In Science we have started to look at the different habitats organisms live in and how they are specially adapted.

We had NUFC foundation come in to work on ball skills with us - this week it was tennis/ balance but the wind played havoc with the sponge balls! They then led a literacy session on poems which we will developing over the coming weeks. On Friday we had a  yoga session which was great fun. In class we tried our first mindfulness exercise which all found relaxing.

Spellings for 10th September 2018


I hope you all had a lovely summer break. I am looking forward to seeing you and getting to know you all in Yellow Class. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

Thank you ! 

Week commencing 25th June

What a great week in school! Sports Day took place on Monday and how fabulous were you all? Everyone tried there very best and encouraged each other in roasting hot weather! I am so proud of you all. Thanks to all the parents , relatives and friends who came to support us and took part in the adult races!

Also this week we have played cricket, had a training session with the falcons and undertaken a street dance workshop. In between we have carried on learning time, written division and worked on lots of Spag activities and handwriting.

Well done everyone !

As a class we are in the running to win the attendance award in school ......we are very excited ! Hopefully once the June results are announced we will be the winners ! Fingers crossed no  

Week commencing 18th June

We seem to be full of busy in class! We are getting ready for our Virgin Money events and everyone is working hard on their stalls and planning the movie nights. 

In Maths we completed quizzes on measurement and multiplication and division.We carried on with written division and looked at fractions. In English we wrote narratives and concentrated all week on our handwriting! In Science we thought about Light and Shadow and thought about the sources of light we have. We ended up looking at the universe and watching the moon landings! I am sure we have some budding astronauts in our class. In RE we thought about the promises we could make to make our world a better place .There were some lovely ideas.

week commencing 11th June

We have been concentrating on multiplication and division while completing some end of year quizzes! It is hard to believe our time together will soon end.  I am so proud of everyone!

In English we have carried on looking at myths and legends- this week we planned and wrote our own Arthurian legend stories. 

In Science we dissected a runner bean seed and identified the parts of a seed. We then drew diagrams showing our findings. In RE we looked at Noah and his covenants with God and thought about our own promises. In PE we played cricket but rain stopped play so we ended up in the hall! In Topic we looked at daily life in the Mesolithic period and looked at Star Carr. We wrote diary entries.

We are working on our stalls for our Virgin Money fair- letters to follow this week!

Week commencing 4th June

It was lovely to see you all back after half term. It is scary to think how quickly our year together has gone by!

In English this week we have started looking at Myths and Legends in particular the legend of King Arthur. We have undertaken group reading and group shared writing, comprehension activities, used descriptive language and extended sentences to come up with our class  version of the story. It was also an opportunity to watch my favourite Disney film, The Sword in the Stone, and we all enjoyed that! Next week we will be using all the ideas we have had this week to write our own myths and legends.

In Maths we have started written multiplication using the grid method. It is proving tricky if you don't know your times tables so please spend some time learning them.

In Science we looked at the different ways seeds are dispersed and in RE we started a new topic based on People of God and were Bible detectives. Some of us represented our school at a Quad kids competition and in PE we are doing cricket.


Week Commencing 14th May

We are working hard on our ideas for our Virgin Make £5 Grow events. I have been so impressed with the ideas and the work the children have done so far. You are doing great !

In Maths this week we have looked at column subtraction and most of us can now do this successfully. Everyone has tried so hard. Also we have done some work on time, including the 24 hour clock and Roman numerals, rounding and writing numbers in words and figures.  

In English we are looking at instructions and we all practised giving clear instructions to each other and wrote a set of our own instructions on how to plant a seed, to link with our bean planting in Science.

We spent an afternoon looking at British Values and designed our own coat of arms detailing those values we felt were important to us. 

In RE we looked at the Lord's prayer and worked out the meaning of each line. We enjoyed looking at all the different versions!

Friday saw us celebrating the Royal Wedding with an outside lunch street party and lots of Royal wedding activities!

Week beginning 8th May

Phew ! What a busy week but it was lovely to be back with you all !

In Maths this week we have concentrated on time and measurement. Some of us can now tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes using analogue, digital and even the 24hr clock! 

In English we have continued with shape poems and calligrams and learn tall about the possessive apostrophe.

Our bean plants are growing big and we hope to plant them out soon- Mr T ( Mrs T's husband) has volunteered to come and help dig a bed over for us as well as preparing some potatoes ! In Science this week we learnt all about leaves and their functions.

We are loving the PE sessions with the Newcastle  United Foundation and are learning some great new skills. Also this week we had Hoopstarz and all of us were amazing at hula hooping!




It has been a bust start to the new term. Our topic this term is Prehistory and we enjoyed a visit by Jessica from Peregrini who introduced this topic to us. The children loved her Toilet Roll Timeline !

In Science we are looking at how plants grow and have carried out some experiments as well as planting our own bean plants. We will be documenting their growth over the coming weeks.

We have all been working really hard on column addition - I am so proud of the effort everyone is putting into their lessons.


Week commencing 19th March 2018

It was another busy week in Yellow class.

In Maths we have been learning about shapes, identifying and calculating angles and perimeters, doing some addition and subtraction using written methods and completing some end of term quizzes. Everyone is putting in their best effort - I'm so proud of you all!

In RE we are continuing to look at Salvation- this week we researched how churches celebrate Easter. We looked at the use of music, colour and decorations. This linked to art where we designed a triptych showing the events of Holy Week.

In Spag we did lots of activities on prefixes and suffixes, homophones and verb tenses whilst in Geography we learnt all about Rome and designed a holiday brochure about the city.

We enjoyed a lot of sporting activities including tag rugby and yoga and raised a lot of money in class for sport relief. Thank you!




Week commencing 12th March

What a busy week we have had!

It was Science week in school so we undertook a lot of science themed activities! We had lots of visitors in school and learnt about the role of the Civil Engineer with Mrs Dewhirst, Recycling with Northumberland County Council and all about dogs with the Dogs Trust. We did lots of exciting things in class too. We pretended to be dogs to see whose nose could identify the most scents from a number of sealed bags was so funny!

We were archaeologists and explored, 'Poo from the past ' dissecting some  'poo'  samples to find out what people in different time periods had been eating. We had a Roman Banquet and tried lots of foods that Romans would have eaten.



Week commencing 5th March 2018

In English this week we have carried out looking at recounts. We carried out some individual research in ICT to help us collect facts to write a newspaper article next week on the destruction of Pompeii! Everyone is loving learning about the Romans and their empire.

We carried on the cross curricular theme in history where we thought about the life of a gladiator and we wrote diary entries as if we had witnessed a gladiator contest in the roman circus.

Everyone enjoyed World Maths day and World Book day and there were some super costumes.

To kick off Science week we had a visit from the Life Science Team who gave us an insight into animal adaptations.

Next week is super busy with lots of science themed events smiley


Week commencing 19th February

It was lovely to see everyone and hear about all the half term adventures!

In Maths this week we have been finding multiplication and division facts for the 4x and 8x table, finding fractions of an amount and looking at equivalent fractions.

In English we have started looking at recounts using the lovely book,Escape form Pompeii. We will be writing various newspaper reports, all based around Ancient Rome as the next few weeks progress. This week in some group reading we identified interesting words used by the author, used dictionaries to find meanings, used vivid verbs in our writing and looked at verb tenses.

In Topic we researched daily life in Ancient Rome and wrote up our research independently. In French we looked at Roman inventions and in RE we started some work based on the concept of Salvation. 

In PE we are doing tag rugby so please make sure PE in are in school all week.



Week commencing 5th February

We had a very busy last week before half term !

In Maths we looked at adding numbers using partitioning, recognising and sorting multiples and column addition. 

In English we are learning about traditional poems and found rhyming words and wrote some of our own rhyming couplets which we typed up in our ICT slot adding pictures. 

On Internet safety day we looked at the Adventures of Captain Kara and the Space crew and used this as the basis for our activities. We had some very grown up discussions about the use of the internet and the children were keen to enlighten me on the games and apps they enjoy playing !

Skipping school came to visit and we all took part in a range of skipping activities. I was so impressed with the perseverance showed by everyone, especially those who are finding skipping a little tricky. Well done Yellow Classsmiley

In Art we continued to make our Roman Mosaics and in outdoor learning we played team games with a outdoor theme as the weather was so cold and rainy !


Week commencing 22nd January

In Maths this week we looked at multiplication and division, time and place value. We are starting written methods of division and multiplication so please try and help your child with their times tables. 

In English we looked at the features of a myth, drew story maps, carried out role play and re wrote a myth we had been told from another's point of view. All the myths written were fantastic! 

In Science we grouped rocks according to their characteristics and we have had great fun trying to identify rocks and gems the children are bringing in.

In RE we have started to look at Lent and watched a wonderful short film with 40 images of lent by Simon Smith. We then thought about Jesus and what his time in the desert tells us about his character. In outdoor learning the whole Key Stage played games with an ecological and animal theme. 

Week commencing 15th January

Here are some of the things we've been up to!

This week we did lots of addition and subtraction with all of us trying written column methods. Everyone tried their best to master this new skill. We also ordered and compared 3 digit numbers using the > and < symbols and  rounded to nearest 10 and 100.

In English we researched Roman Gods in preparation for writing a character description next week. We looked at punctuating speech and used conjunctions. In history we explored the legend of how Rome was formed in more detail and looked at the spread of the Roman Empire.This linked to our French lesson on Romulus and Remus in which we looked for cognate words to help us with our translation. In Art we started to design our own Roman mosaic. 

We have also danced, danced, danced and worked on yoga poses! 

Week commencing 8th January 2018

It was so lovely to see everyone back in class and hear all the holiday stories!

This term our topic is The Romans !

In English we have started to look Roman Myths. We wrote story maps, learnt the spelling rules for 'ly' words, identified adverbs and did a comprehension exercise based on the myth Romulus and Remus. We are learning the features of a myth and will be writing our own over the coming weeks. 

In Maths we have focused on number and place value. We are starting to learn column addition and will be moving onto column subtraction. I was thrilled with how hard everyone tried in each lesson. 

In Science this term we will be learning about Rocks, Fossils and Soil. Joshua brought us some super rocks from his own collection to look at. We are trying to create a class collection of rocks and minerals so if you are out and about and see something interesting please gather it for us !

In PSHE we are looking at how good it it to be ourselves and this week the class thought about how they like to learn and how everyone is different.

In French our topic is Les Romains !


Welcome back !

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas break.

This term in class our topic will be The Romans. I have uploaded the homework sheet onto the class page but will send a paper copy home this week.

I am more than willing to meet you at any time if you would like to discuss your child and their progress in Year 3, or answer any questions you may have. Please just let me know and we can arrange a suitable time.

I'm so looking forward to another term together!


Week commencing 4th December

Well Christmas arrived in Yellow class this week, courtesy of a naughty elf! So far he has wrapped himself in our tree lights, pulled all the books form the book corner and changed our visual timetables!

In English we have started to look at letters using the fabulous book, Dear Father Christmas. We hope there will be lots of opportunities to practise our letter writing over the next couple of weeks!

In Maths we continued to look at time and measurement including drawing lines to a given length.

We had a very special RE lesson when Kristine from the Mustard Tree Trust came to talk to us about Advent, its origins and the preparations made by the church. In Science we finished off forces and magnets and in Topic we are continuing to learn about the geography of Egypt. 

We are very excited about our Christmas performance and our visit to the Falcons' Rugby ground for the rugby festival next week!


27th November 2017

Well rehearsals are in full flight for the KS1 and KS2 performance and it's looking greatsmiley. Please help your child learn any lines they may have, although everyone seems to be doing just fine.

In English this week we continued to look at poetry. We wrote draft animal chant poems and then edited and improved them. We are trying to learn to re read our work to check it makes sense and spot any mistakes. We looked at powerful verbs, character descriptions and  prefixes and suffixes. In Maths we continued to look at umber work including addition and subtraction.

This week saw our last rugby and sign language session. We now know 50 BSL signs for everyday things. I was so impressed with how quickly the class could remember them! Well done all! 

In RE we continued to look at Christmas God with us and thought about all the preparations made for the birth of Jesus. We then imagined we were interviewing the shepherds and thought of questions we would like to ask them. In French we are still learning about the weather and did a speaking and listening was so good to hear all the children shouting, ' It's snowing!' in French !




Week commencing 20th November

We had a busy week! We enjoyed rugby and sign language with the Falcons' community team. Everyone has impressed me with their ability to remember the signs learned each week. Our dance lessons are continuing around a pirate theme and swimming takes place every Friday -Phew ! its no wonder we are tired!

In Maths we carried out some addition work using partitioning and some measurement investigations including estimating and rounding. In English we continued to look at poetry and used adjectives and descriptive phrases, identified nouns and wrote expanded noun phrases.In French we are continuing to learn about the weather.

All of the children carried out their research this week on the pyramids and presented their information in a fact file. They all produced some super work so well done on your effort everyone! I am so proud of how hard you are trying in lessons.

We have started rehearsals for our  Christmas play. If anyone is unsure about costume/ clothing, or you have any questions relating to anything we do in class, please do not hesitate to catch me on the yard or give a call. 


Week Commencing 13th November

This week was friendship week in school with the theme -' We are all unique, We are all different.' We looked at how we are all unique and how we can make people feel by our actions. We learnt about Martin Luther King and watched some of his inspirational speech and then thought about what our dreams for ourselves and others could be. We wrote friendship notes to each other and devised a friendship recipe. As part of Inter faith week we looked at worshipping in the Hindu Mandir. We presented our findings to the class and burned some incense!

In English we are looking at Poetry that creates images. We tried to learn The bug Chant off by heart and performed it to our classmates. In Maths we revised money and place value, number bonds to 100 and added and subtracted money. 

We did dance, rugby with the Falcons' community team and swimming so it was a busy week!

Week Commencing 6th November

This week in Maths we concentrated on fractions. We found fractions of amounts using objects and numbers and carried out some investigations to see which numbers could be spilt into 1/3s, 1/4s and even 1/6s. Those of us who knew our times tables quickly spotted patterns emerging! Please do help your child learn their times tables- it will make maths so much more fluid for them. If you need any help/ ideas  please just give me yellsmiley

In English we continued to look at poems around the world and used these to identify prepositions, use a dictionary, use adverbials and fronted adverbials. In comprehension we learnt about from spawn to frog!

In art we have started to design our own cartouche which we will hopefully be making in clay over the coming weeks! We decorated our designs using Egyptian hieroglyphics.

In outdoor learning we went on a colour scavenger hunt.

In PE, as well as swimming, we did dance. We are learning to listen to the beat of the music and to try and time our own movements to it. 

Well done to Cal who was our star of the week !no

Week Commencing 30th October

It was lovely to see you all and hear about your holidays! We have had a really busy week in school. In Maths we have been learning to subtract by counting on ( finding the difference), doubling and halving using partitioning, rounding to 10 and 100 and spotting number patterns. In English we are looking at Poems from around the world using the wonderful book, Let's Celebrate by Debjani Chatterjee and Brian D'Arcy. We looked at Thanksgiving and wrote our own acrostic poems which were fabulous! We spent some time learning about word classes and extending sentences using vivid verbs and adverbs and finished the week looking at rhyming words.

In Science this week we carried out our own research identifying magnetic and non- magnetic materials in the classroom. Some of us presented our findings in a table.

In RE we spent a lesson looking at Hinduism as we wanted to learn more about it now we know the Rama and Sita story. We used atlases to identify the countries where Hinduism is practised and detailed these on our world map. 

In French we are learning how to describe the weather!

In PE this week we did rugby and swimming. Well done everyone you've all tried so hard all week. I;m super proud of you all. 

Our star of the week was Dillan for always having a great attitude!no

Week commencing 9th October

What a lovely week in school. We held our harvest festival in school and despite a technical mishap Year 3 pupils were amazing ! Well done all of you !

We have been concentrating on telling the time this week in maths and finished the week looking at the properties of 3d shapes.In English we have written our own versions of the Rama and Sita story. These will form a display in the hall next half term so be sure to try and spot yours.

In RE we looked at the story of the Good Samaritan and thought about what qualities a Good Samaritan possesses. We drew and wrote original versions of the story using present day examples.

I'm so proud of how hard everyone is trying in all our lessons and I have discovered Yellow class

LOVE to dance !

Week commencing 2nd October

We have had another busy week in class. In Science we investigated the force needed to pull an object in different surfaces. We used force meters and recorded our results in Newtons. In Maths we spent a some time concentrating on doubling and halving and started to look at time. We used calendars to work out our ages in months. In English we are continuing to learn about stories from other cultures. In PSHE we thought about what makes us special as individuals and drew our special talents. 

Week Commencing 25th September 2017

In English we are looking at stories from other cultures and started off looking at the traditional folktale , The Tiger Child. We wrote our own synopsis, re- told the story using drama and  identified and used prepositions. Everyone worked really well in their groups and pairs.

In Maths we looked at various times tables and started to identify the division facts. Please help your child learn their times tables- it will make so much of the work this year so much easier for them. We also challenged orange class to some head to heads  based on times tables and number bonds !

In Topic we researched Egyptian Pharaohs in pairs using ICT. We then wrote up our findings. The work produced was amazing ! In Art we painted some Egyptian silhouette watercolours.

Well done Yellow Class- I am so proud of you all !


Week beginning 18th September

In Maths this week we wrote number sentences using the < and > symbols, added and subtracted multiples and near multiples of 10, added 2 digit numbers using partitioning and solved problems using place value. Remember to practise your times tables and number bonds whenever you can at home.

In English we finished off looking at stories by Michael Foreman by writing in the 1st or 3rd person and planning and writing our own story based on I'll take you to Mrs Cole.

In History we looked at how the Ancient Egyptian society was organised and thought about who we would like to be. I loved that a lot of the class thought they would  like to be a slave as they say they love cleaning!

We had an introduction to Futsal session which was great fun and all went swimming on Friday where everyone behaved impeccably. Well Done !

Week beginning 11th September

In Maths we have been concentrating on place value and learnt some new strategies to help us with adding and subtracting. We are also trying to learn time so please ask your child the time frequently smiley.

In English we are looking at books by Michael Foreman and this week we used powerful verbs, wrote book reports, used WOW conjunctions and did comprehension activities. I'm so proud of how everyone is trying their very best in every lesson !

In PE we started Dance and tried to learn Walk like an Egyptian ! A few of us found the moves tricky but we will all keep trying. I have discovered Yellow Class LOVE to dance !  

It was lovely to see you all in class. I am looking forward to getting to know you all and our year together.


Parents overview Summer Term

Week Commencing 3rd July

Another busy week in school! We are learning about shape poems and this week carried out writing calligrams. We used a cool website to create our own shape poems and I was super impressed by the language and descriptive phrases everyone had used. We also used ICT to continue our research on prayers around the world.We are continuing to learn our times tables and have been challenged to 'duels' by orange class ! These are proving great fun! In maths we have extended our column addition to include two 3- digit numbers and we worked on line graphs, bar charts and venn diagrams too.

We are rehearsing for the end of year play and hope you can come and see the performance. The children have put so much effort into it.

It was transition day too this week and the year 4's spent two days at Chantry so I'm looking forward to hearing all their exciting news next week.

Week commencing 19th June 

Such a busy week this week. It does seem we get busier the nearer we get to the start of Summer holidays. It was Sports Week this week and so we were outside A LOT ! It was so hot we really needed our water bottles. Please try and send one into school every day.

On Monday we did cricket - some of us were super at batting ! 

On Tuesday we did Bike and scooter club. We soon worked out its very hard to scoot on grass !

On Wednesday we did  Tri golf - this was new to most of us and it was great fun. Unfortunately we were not the highest scoring class in school but I think we did ourselves proud and came 2nd!

We also tried our hand at Basketball ! Max's brother Finn delivered these sessions and we thought they were excellent.

Thank you to all  the parents and volunteers who gave up their time for us.

We have been busy doing end of term Maths and  English assessments too and practising our end of year performance- Phew !

The year 4's had a wonderful leavers service at the cathedral and lunch at Zsa Zsa Gabors ! I would be surprised if they have any puddings left !

Week commencing 12th June.

Thank you to all the parents who came and enjoyed our outdoor learning afternoon. It was very windy so making dens was a challenge but we all had great fun.

We have been looking at apostrophes in English and concentrating on revising key areas in Maths ready for our end of unit quizzes! Most afternoons we are now having play practice. Everyone should now  know what  costume they need to supply.  Any queries please just ask.

In PE we are learning cricket in readiness for sports week and a cricket festival ! please ensure PE kit and water bottles are in school every day next week.

Week Commencing 5th June

Lovely to have you all back in class and hear about your holidays!

Here's a snapshot of some of the things we have been up to !

In English we have continued with plays and dialogues, writing our own versions of both. Some children acted their own play scripts out  which was great fun! We will be finishing this topic and moving onto adventure stories next week.

In Maths we concentrated on fractions. Ordering, adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator and some of us moved onto ordering fractions with different denominators. We also looked briefly at improper and mixed fractions.

In RE we thought about What is Prayer and thought about who we pray for and why. We made a lovely display of our work for our class board and in PSHE our topic is 'Changes' so we started by thinking about belonging, how it feels to be accepted and rejected.

Week commencing 15th May 2017

In Maths this week we have been learning written methods of multiplication and division. Please help your children to learn their times tables as it will make things these so much easier. We also used number facts and number bonds to help us add and subtract numbers up to 3-digits. We are continuing to learn time every Wednesday with Mrs Calvert. 

In English we started Plays and Dialogues and looked at proverbs, homophones, features of a play and drafted a play based on one of the proverbs we looked at. This will continue next week.

In Science we looked at States of Matter and compared and classified lots of objects. We did a couple of lessons PSHE based around relationships and loss and in Art we finished our Anglo Saxon Brooches. They look fantastic! 

Thank you to Grace and Oscar who brought in some home made viking bread for us to needed to drink lots of water with it but it tasted great !

Week commencing 8th May

What a fabulous week we have had! 

In Maths we have been learning column addition and subtraction. Most of us can now carry out these with 3 and 4 digits. We now have a range of addition and subtraction strategies  we can select from to solve questions. I'm so proud of everyone's hard work.   

In English we have been finishing our topic on Recounts- we read Diary of a Killer cat and all thought it was very funny. We worked on adverbs, adverbial phrases, speech marks and are planning and writing our own animal diaries. We LOVED the theatre trip to see Gangsta Granny. All the children behaved impeccably and we are so proud of them all ! 

In Art we are making an anglo saxon brooch using some new techniques. We did find the string and glue fiddly if our design was very intricate. In French we continued learning our ten Je Peux verbs.

Week Commencing 1st May 2017

In English this week we looked at the language of possibility and predicted an ending to a story using modal verbs. There were some great ideas ! As we are trying to edit and proof read our own work we also practised changing verb tenses as this is an area of work which can get tricky due to our marvellous English language. 

In Maths we worked on expanded and column addition and looked at some other addition strategies using place value and rounding/ estimating. We continued to work on time. Please reinforce this at home if you can by asking your child to tell you the time including the 24hr clock!

In RE we researched and looked at churches around the world and drew a mind map of our findings whilst in science we investigated the organs of the digestive system and compiled a table of their functions.

In Topic we looked at Viking clothes and drew and labelled, with captions, a typical Viking man or woman.

We have started to explore melody in music and learning a wonderful tune! 

On Friday the whole KS took part in quad kid activities to identify a team to represent us at a forthcoming competition. The Tag rugby team went to Chantry and did amazingly well ! Well done to everyone who took part.


Week commencing 24th April

It was lovely to welcome everyone back to class! Judging by the stories I heard you all had a fabulous Easter break.

In English this week we have looked at synonyms, descriptive writing and started our new topic of recounts based around the hilarious book The day I swapped my Dad for two goldfish by Neil Gaiman. We also thought about alternative endings for the book and acted these out !

In Maths we have been looking at time and expanded column addition. Please ask your child to tell you the time frequently at home as this will help them develop and learn this key skill.

Or new topic is Vikings and Anglo Saxons and we started this week to research some key historical dates so we can create a timeline to put their time periods into perspective. 

In PSHE we thought about the fight and flight response, what it does to our brain and bodies and what strategies we can use to help our 'thinking 'brain take over. We took this opportunity to learn a little about our heart rates and took our own pulse ! In Outdoor Learning we looked for signs of Spring.

Week commencing 27th March

In Maths this week we looked at measuring perimeters, angles, place value and solved some 2-stepword problems. 

In English we are looking at the works of Robert Louis Stephenson. We looked at his poem, The Land of Counterpane and wrote our own rhyming couplets, identified WOW rhyming words and started to plan our own poem.

In PSHE we thought about what it means to act aggressively, passively and assertively and tried to think about our own responses to situations.

In Art/ DT we started to paper mache our Greek vases and in ICT we looked at making a power point multiple choice quiz as well as researching the beliefs of Ancient Greeks for our History lesson.


Week Commencing 20th March 2017

A really busy week in school as it was SCIENCE WEEK !

We did lots of fun filled activities and  had visits from all sorts of  Scientists.

On Monday we met Mr Naylor whose company makes equipment to work under the sea, amongst other things. He brought an underwater robot which was fascinating ! 

On Tuesday we carried out experiments with Mrs Sanderson testing the PH of various liquids. We were surprised at some of the results, as were our teachers! In the afternoon we looked at the digestive system and using various things like a blender, food colouring, old tights and a potato masher we recreated what happens to a meal! It was very messy but good fun!

On Wednesday we got to meet Professor Brainstorm who did lots of weird science experiments. We also looked at camouflage and drew a zentangle chameleon.

On Thursday Dr Burville came to talk to us about being a GP who also works researching seals and dolphins off the Northumberland coast. In the afternoon we were wind farm designers with Mrs Dewhirst who talked about how the wind turbines work and showed us one of her wind turbine models.

Friday saw us meeting with Mr Fowles who is an engineer for Royal Mail. He explained they design not just the post boxes but also the huge sorting machines. He brought metal spiders that we had to assemble. They were tricky !

Thank you to all our visitors and well done everyone!



Week commencing 6th March

Here are some of the things we have been up to this week !

In English this week we are continuing to look at non-chronological reports based around the magical book Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone by JK Rowling. We spent some lessons both reading and gathering facts using the ICT suite. We are planning an information guide to the studio tour! We designed our own spidergrams, thought about headings and sub-headings and started to write our first drafts.

In Maths we have been concentrating on fractions including equivalent fractions, ordering fractions and adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator.

In Outdoor Learning we re-created a plan of the Parthenon using natural materials that we found around our school ! There were some amazing creations and we will be creating a display in the hall. Please take a moment to have a look at it.

In Art we drew our original design for a Greek vase that we will be making out of paper mache over the coming weeks whilst in music we started looking at Benjamin Brittan and the Cuckoo song.  

Week commencing 27th February 2017

It was lovely to have you all back in class and hear all about your holidays! 

In Maths this week we looked at multiplying and dividing by 4 and 8, identified fractions and the whole school took part in World Maths Day. Everyone worked really hard and tried their very best to solve the problems in each class. In Yellow class we learnt about a washing machine that mixes up socks and gloves and we had to investigate how many mis-matched pairs we could find.

On Thursday we celebrated World book day - there were some amazing costumes and again it was a super day. In Yellow class we designed a wanted poster for the Enormous crocodile from the book by Roald Dahl who uses secret plans and clever tricks to try and eat children ! 

Some of the other things we did this week included ....In RE we have started a new topic of Easter looking specifically at trust and betrayal. We thought about who we trust in our own lives, how we earn trust, what is forgiveness and how it feels when someone betrays our trust. In Topic we looked at the differences between Athens and Sparta and in French we carried on with Je Peux.

Our class got the attendance award for February so well done everyone ! Lets keep it up and get a special school trip !

Week Commencing 13th February 2017

In English this week we have looked at using speech punctuation, compared the film version of Fantastic Mr Fox to the book, written adjectives to describe characters and did some group reading.

In Maths we went to ICT and did some abacus work, recognised and sorted multiples, doubled and halved the 4 and 8 times table, multiplied by 4 and finished off the half term with a quiz!

In RE we explored aspects of the Christian faith through artwork and linked these to our school core values as well as looking at people who have challenged authority.We were all gripped by Nelson Mandela's story.

Have a great half term everyone !

Week commencing 6th February

We have had another busy week in class. In Maths we looked at number and place value, added 2 and 3 and 4 digit numbers using a variety of strategies, number sequences and counting in 10s, 50s and 100s. Everyone is doing great and putting lots of effort into their learning. 

In English we are looking at stories from imaginary worlds. Using Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl amongst other things we undertook role play, did some group reading and comprehension activites.  

In RE we looked at the Jewish Festival of Shabbat and thought about how we  celebrate the Sabbath within our own lives. 

On Tuesday it was internet safety day and we looked at how to keep safe online. There are some fantastic resources aimed at KS2 children on the childnet website if you want to take a look. 

In Art we made clay Greek tragedy masks based on our own designs. They are amazing and pictures will follow!

Our star of the week was Lorna ! Well doneno 

Week Commencing 30th January

in Maths this week we looked at place value of 3 and 4 digit numbers, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division by 10s and 100s as well as linking maths in outdoor learning by making symmetrical stick insects ! It was so much fun but really muddy so please do not forget your outdoor clothes and wellies ! 

In English we finished off Greek Myths by learning to spell and use - ology words, researching and completing our Newspaper articles, completing a comprehension task and finished off the week by planning a writing an original story for the 500 words competition. I do hope you find the time to type them up and submit them at home as they were great! In Art next week we are going to make our greek masks in clay- if you have an old shirt that your child could bring to school to wear that will be super as I'm sure it may be messy.

In PSHE we looked at learning styles and tried to identify which style suits us best and in Science we made switches using a host of materials to work in a simple circuit.

Well done everyone- another super week ! I'm so proud of all your effort 

Our star of the week was Olivia no


Week commencing 23rd January 2017

Another busy week in class. In English we planned and wrote our own Greek myths... which are absolutely amazing ! We listened to the story of Perseus  and discussed how we can use our voices and actions to add to our storytelling and reading. We designed and labelled our own Greek God and Goddesses. I think we are all enjoying this unit of work ! In Maths we looked at word problems and used a mnemonic to the the tune of YMCA to help us work out the number operation ! In RE we thought about how Jesus had authority and looked at a selection of stories. We turned detective to highlight in the stories the clues that tell us Jesus was indeed the Son Of God. In Science we made a simple circuit and tested a variety of materials to see if they were conductors or insulators. In Art we have started making a mask of Medusa, hopefully with a stained glass effect and finished our Greek tragedy mask designs. In French we started Je Peux.

Week commencing 16th January

In Maths this week we looked at number operations. We practised subtraction using the counting up method . Using a variety of methods we carried out multiplications and wrote the equivalent division number sentences. We finished off the week starting to learn division with remainders. This was proving tricky so don't worry we will be doing lots more work on this over the coming term.

In English we worked on handwriting, using conjunctions to extend sentences about the magical gifts given to Perseus, wrote persuasive speeches and performed role play as to whether or not we should build the Parthenon ! I cannot tell you how proud I am of each and everyone of them for their fantastic effort. Well Done !

In French we learnt greetings and will be moving on to, 'Je Peux ! '... over the next few weeks.

In Science we built some simple circuits using our knowledge to date. We used bulbs and buzzers to check our wiring!

In outdoor learning we looked at the story how the rainbow was made and collected natural objects to show all the different colours. It was VERY muddy so please ensure wellies are brought to school every fortnight. Our next outdoor learning session is  Thursday 2nd February.

Any queries or questions please just ask :)


Week commencing 9th January

In Maths this week we looked at place value, addition and subtraction including an introduction to the column methods and made our own Pandora's boxes using 3D shape nets.

In English we looked at the story of Icarus.We identified powerful verbs, looked at the endings of Greek names to see if we could spot any patterns and wrote a shared class version of the Icarus story which we then edited. We are all loving the Ancient Greeks topic and are watching the Jason and the Argonauts story each day. 

In RE we started thinking about what we already know about our new topic Jesus Son of God and in Geography we looked at what Greece is like today and  designed an information leaflet.

We are working very hard on joined up handwriting. Everyone is doing so well !

Please remember to have PE kits in school all week. We have PE on Monday and Wednesday.

Week commencing 2nd January 2017

Thank you all again for all your lovely cards and gifts at Christmas. Really not needed, so very kind :)

It was lovely to see you all and hear all about your holidays!

This week we started a new topic Ancient Greece. In Geography we looked at the location of Greece and learnt about amongst other things its mountains, rivers and seas. In English we have started to look at Greek myths and the children carried out some persuasive writing on whether or not they would have opened Pandora's Box ! We also had an introduction to the story of Icarus with the children watching and then delivering their own interpretative dances based on the story. The theme carried on into art where the children started to design a Greek tragedy mask.

In Maths we looked at measures and used water and  all sorts of containers in our quest to understand capacity. The classroom was a little damp afterwards! We are looking at  circuits and conductors in science but started off learning a little about electricity and  how we can keep ourselves safe from harm when around it. In French we refreshed our memories on what we have learnt to date and learnt the new

question, 'Quel age et tu?' 

Don't forget I am happy to see you at any time if you have any questions. 

Weeks 5th and 12th December 2016

In Maths we  looked at measuring length, problem solving, addition and subtraction and plotting co ordinates to make pictures. In the last week of term we tried out a host of different crafts. These ranged from sewing to making fridge magnets. We also finished our Rainforest learning wall and class book about all the animals. Next term our topic is Ancient Greece ! On the 13th December KS2 held their own Christingle service. We made Christingle oranges, learnt about the history of the service, sang carols and said Prayers. It was a really lovely afternoon. Our Christmas Performance took place on the last day of term and

the children worked really hard learning all their songs off by heart. We were all so proud of each and every one of them.

Have a lovely Christmas and I will see you all in 2017 !  

Week commencing 28th November 2016


A busy week in class. In English we have started to look at letters using the book Dear Father Christmas by Alan Durant. We also completed our end of term writing assessments in which the children had to tell a story of an animal coming home for Christmas. There were some wonderfully imaginative stories and everyone tried their very best so WELL DONE !

In Maths, amongst other things, we have been looking at number and place value - adding 3 2-digit numbers, adding and subtracting money and we also had our first look at column addition.

On Wednesday the Year 3 children joined children from other schools within the sports partnership for a movement festival at Morpeth Leisure Centre. They undertook dance, hula hooping, rhythmic gymnastics and judo. It was a super afternoon. One of the other things we did this week involved painting pictures in the style of Henri Rousseau to keep up with our rainforest theme ! 



There are three different spelling groups. I am putting the spellings on the website but will also be sending home a spelling sheet with the children.

Week commencing 21st November 2016

In English this week we carried on looking at poetry and how we can use our choice of words to create images. We wrote detailed character descriptions using the poem Lone Dog by Irene McCloud. We looked up unfamiliar words in a dictionary and wrote definitions, used a thesaurus and finished the week by writing some spectacular animal poems of our own. Our comprehension lesson involved a non fiction piece of writing and even though some of us found it a bit tricky we kept trying!

In Maths we looked at fractions,fractions of amounts, times tables and revised time. We used the ICT suite to log on to abacus too. Everyone is working so hard ! Well Done!

In Science we looked at sound and identified how sound is made using the instruments in an orchestra whilst in Geography we looked at the people and settlements of the rainforest and identified similarities and differences to our own lives. In French we learnt the numbers 1-10 and revised our colours !

We thought about how we could bring light into others lives in RE and drew ourselves as little glowing Glow Worms . There were some lovely ideas.


Week Commencing 14th November

It was friendship week this week throughout the school. This saw all the children undertaking activities each afternoon relating to the overall theme of friendship. We made friendship hearts, talked about the importance of similarities and differences, discussed what makes a good friend and loads of other things ! We finished off the week making some prayer people out of pipe cleaners and other bits and bobs. The children then said a  prayer for someone special to them. It was a great week - well done everyone.

In English we are looking at Poetry and we wrote a prose description, learned a chant, used nouns and  adjectives to describe the setting of a poem and started to think about adding expanded noun phrases into our work. Our comprehension exercise this week was based on instructions. 

In Maths we ordered numbers, rounded 3-digit numbers to nearest 10 and 100, doubled, halved and subtracted amongst other things.

We are doing gym on a Friday morning and this week saw us balancing, rolling safely and working on safe jumping styles including using the apparatus. It  really is great fun and everyone seems to be enjoying it.



Week Commencing 7th November 2016

In English this week we have been continuing to look at instructions and explanations. We looked at verb tenses, drawing instructional diagrams and planned and wrote our own explanation for our favourite game. Everyone worked really hard and their explanations were fantastic!

In Maths we looked at our times tables, place value and time. I will be sending home some times tables cards. These are linked to Pokemon and the theme, 'Gotta learn them all !' We have a 'prize' sheet that I will fill in with the children when they learn each table. I am sending up to 12 x as I know some children want to learn them but please, to start, concentrate on the tables suggested for each year group. Learning these will really help with multiplication and division.

In RE we started to look at Christmas and the symbolism of Light. Everyone wrote a poem about light or darkness. They were amazing! In Science we thought about the impact humans can have on environments and devised posters explaining why and how we can look after our local environment.In PE we are continuing with Gym and this week saw us learning some new linking movements and rolling. We also had an exciting Judo taster session !

We observed the 2 minutes silence as a school and everyone has made a poppy in their class for a new school display. It's going to be fabulous as each class did something different. Everyone got to take a poppy from our, 'weeping wall ' home. 

A super week Yellow class - Well Done !


Week Commencing 31st October 2016

It was lovely to see everyone after the half term break.

This week saw us being very busy ! In English we have started looking at instructions and explanations. Everyone tried really hard to write a set of instructions for a game they like to play. By following their super work I'm sure I could now play Pokemon and Minecraft ! We used powerful verbs and looked at writing in the 1st or 3rd person

In Maths we have, been amongst other things, doubling and halving using partitioning, revising and learning our 2,5 and 10 times table and identifying multiples. 

In Outdoor Learning we had great fun making a sound map of our school. It really was amazing what we could hear. In Science we looked at food chains and had fun trying to spot the apex predators.We have started Gym in our PE lessons and worked on balancing and in French we have been learning our colours.

We also had some AMAZING 3D rainforests made by Ben, Max, Lorna, Cameron and Oscar. What super effort ! you should be very proud.


I will be sending home spellings over the October Half Term holiday. These are optional but it would be great if everyone could try and learn them. However, I appreciate it is a holiday and you may have other half term plans with your children. smiley

Week Commencing 10th October 2016


In Maths this week we have looked at 2D and 3D shapes including sorting them, drawing them, making them and describing them. We are continuing number and place value work. 

In English we did some improvisation and role play acting out our own endings to the story, 'The Girl in the Forest.' I think there are some future Oscar winner in our mix. Everyone worked so well together as a team. We learnt how to use commas in a list and thought about the adverbs with the  '-ly' suffix we could use to describe specific characters.

In RE looked at Harvest Festivals and thought about why we have a Harvest and what it means for Christians.

Outdoor learning was great fun ! We went on a leaf hunt and used the skills we are developing in Science to classify and identify them.



Week Commencing 3rd October 2016

Our year 4 children all enjoyed a great week at Robinwood. There were lots of funny stories and I was so proud of the way the children all worked together and supported each each other.

For those of us left at school our week was also great fun. We held a rainforest day and I was amazed  at some of the costumes the children came in. They all  looked fabulous ! We worked on completing a learning wall about the rainforest, researched rainforest animals and made a class book of our findings, ate some rainforest food, made rainforest masks, built dens outside and played some rainforest themed games using balloons and coffee ! It was a great day !

In other subjects we have worked on writing media reviews, learnt about the Rama and Sita story and started to look at symmetry with the help of Sir Symmetry as we designed new symmetical shields for him.

In Science we used a branching database to identify rainforest plants whilst in RE we looked at the story of David and Jonathan and thought about what makes a good friend. 

Week Commencing 19th September

In Maths this week we have been continuing to look at number and place value. We have used our number facts to add and subtract a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number, used the equality sign to balance equations and used a tiddlywinks game to add several small numbers.

In English we looked at writing in the 1st or 3rd person, using conjunctions and completed and edited our own story based upon the Michael Foreman book ,'I'll take you to Mrs Cole!' Everyone had some wonderful ideas !

In Science we identified habitats and the organisms that live in them and thought about why some animals may choose a particular habitat. 

In Music we looked at the structure of the song Mamma Mia and everyone chose the part in the song they liked best and explained why. In French we looked at Ca Va and drew faces to match the possible replies.

We used atlases in Geography to locate the countries which may have  rainforests using the equator and the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn as a guide.  



Week commencing 12th September

It has been lovely getting to know each other and we've had a busy couple of weeks ! Some of the things we have been up to are mentioned below:

In English we have been looking at, amongst other things, powerful verbs, conjunctions, using capital letters and we have written book reports and a summer holiday recount. 

In Maths we have been concentrating on number and place value whilst in our topic work we looked at some of the plants that live in the rainforest. We all loved the Venus Fly Trap and thank you to Chase and Elle who brought their own Venus Fly Traps in to show us! 

In RE we have started to look at God, David and the Psalms and we made paper hearts to show what God would like to see in our own hearts. 

We had an outdoor learning session and were amazed that already our pond is attracting wildlife. We found lots of invertebrates living in the school grounds.

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As Headteacher of Morpeth All Saints Church of England First School, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our vibrant, caring and happy school. At Morpeth All Saints we strive to enable all children within our care to achieve their very best, fully utilising their God given gifts and talents.

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Morpeth All Saints Church of England Aided First School Pinewood Drive, Lancaster Park, Morpeth, Northumberland NE61 3RD UK
T: 01670 512803 Read More contact details


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Together We Flourish (John 10:10)
Together We Flourish (John 10:10)


A very warm welcome to Morpeth All Saints CE First School. We aim to provide each child with the opportunity to achieve his or her potential. We hope you enjoy looking at our website. At Morpeth All Saints we believe everyone should be treated with respect, friendship, forgiveness, love and honesty.