You may have seen the adverts recently about Northumberland Communities Together Team. Parents can contact Northumberland Communities Together for support, even if their children aren't eligible for FSM.
Contact details for the Northumberland Communities Together Response Hub are:
Please remember you do not have to purchase any items of school uniform from the school office or school provider. You may buy any items of uniform style clothing in any combination of school colours from any supplier e.g., local supermarkets/high street or online stores. Please note we have a huge amount of unclaimed lost property in the main school office. If any item is unnamed then please feel free.
The uniform for our school is smart and practical. We believe that our school uniform helps to achieve a sense of belonging, pride and identity and create a culture of working hard, so we expect all children to wear their uniform at all times. The uniform consists of:-
Sweatshirt or Cardigan | Purple with school motif |
Polo T-shirt | Purple |
Kilt/Skirt/Pinafore | Dark Grey Knee length or optional Tartan |
Socks | White/Grey/Black |
Tights | Grey |
Trousers | Grey tailored |
Hair Accessories Shoes | Grey, Purple, Black Smart plain black - not trainers |
Summer (optional) | Purple gingham dress, closed toe flat sandals, White socks |
Bookbag | Purple with school motif |
Sweatshirt | Purple with school motif |
Polo T-shirt | Purple |
Trousers | Grey tailored trousers |
Socks | Grey/Black |
Shoes | Smart plain black - not trainers |
In Summer | Grey short trousers/ Grey tailored trousers |
Bookbag | Purple with school motif |
Shorts | Plain Black/dark Navy (no brand logos/motifs) |
T-shirt | Plain White (no brand logos/motifs) |
Plimsols | For indoor activities |
Tracksuit (for cold weather) | Plain Black/dark Navy (no brand logos/motifs) |
Hooded Sweatshirt (for cold weather) ** | Plain Black/dark Navy (no brand logos/motifs) |
Trainers | For outdoor activities |
Socks | White, grey or black |
**Optional black hoodies with our school motif can be purchased from Emblematic and worn for P.E).
There should be no logos, branding or images on any of the P.E. kit items unless it is the school motif (not required). This ensures that our P.E. kit items continue to be readily available from various suppliers (including supermarkets), cheap to purchase and that no families feel pressure to buy expensive brands. |
Reversible waterproof Legionnaire Cap | Purple with school motif
Purple |
Bookbag | Purple |
Drawstring PE Bag | Purple |
All clothing must be clearly named. The school is not responsible for any clothing lost.
Please always ensure you send your child to school during periods of inclement weather with a warm waterproof coat and also a pair of wellington boots.
Children are not permitted to wear jewellery (except for watches) in school due to health and safety risks. Jewellery worn for medical or religious reasons can be worn but with written permission from the Headteacher.
If a child does come to school wearing an item of jewellery, child will be asked to remove the jewellery, it will be kept in their classrooms (we are not responsible for damage or loss) and it will be given back to the child at the end of the school day. If the child is unable to remove their earrings themselves or cannot due to recently having them pierced, tape will be used to cover them throughout the whole school day. It is not just physical education lessons which pose a risk to children wearing jewellery but breaktimes, moving around school and many other events/times throughout the school day.
We kindly request that parents who wish to have their child’s ears pierced do so during the start of the summer break to allow time for healing so that they can be removed before each school day.
Children are only allowed to bring mobile phones to school following a discussion between their parent and the class teacher to explain the phone’s necessity. In this case, children must hand in their phone to the School Office before school begins and take responsibility for collecting it as they leave each day. This procedure applies to any other piece of electronic equipment brought into school. The school is not responsible for any lost electronic equipment.
There are various ways to purchase items of uniform
We would ask that pupils come to dressed in school colours e.g., Purple sweatshirt/sweatcardie, Purple Polo Shirt, Grey trousers/skirt/pinafore, dark shoes/socks. All pupils should have a PE kit in a suitable bag together with a school book bag. However, if you wish to purchase items with the official school logo on, please see ordering details below.
School Stock
We keep a small amount of stock in the school office. Please contact Mrs. Taylor direct. You may either pay by cash/cheque (payable to NCC) for these items.
Direct from Supplier
Our uniform provider, Emblematic Limited can supply items to you directly via their website at or from their shop at:
Unit 2, The Old Stables, Grey's Yard, Morpeth NE61 1QD
Summer Opening hours: Wednesday to Friday 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. and Saturday 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. Please note hours are subject to change. Please check up to date information at
If you do order online please ensure you arrange for items to be delivered to school as there is a charge for delivery to your home address. All items received in school will be sent home via pupil post.
Additional uniform suppliers......
John Lewis non branded uniform
Marks and Spencer non branded uniform
Religious items and clothing
We do not discriminate and welcome all pupils regardless of faith or belief. However, the school must also weigh the needs and rights of individual pupils against the cohesion and health and safety concerns of the entire school community. Parents’ concerns and requests regarding religious clothing will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
As Headteacher of Morpeth All Saints Church of England First School, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our vibrant, caring and happy school. At Morpeth All Saints we strive to enable all children within our care to achieve their very best, fully utilising their God given gifts and talents.
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