Welcome back after half term. the children have settled back well and have had a very busy week. We have taken part in World Book Day and World Maths Day (Please see photos from previous yellow stars)
On Tuesday we talked about Shrove Tuesday and what things we really like, that we could give up for Lent leading up to Easter. We made pancake batter and chose a variety of toppings. Not one pancake was left! the children all tried really hard to eat their pancake with a knife and fork.
We revisited the letters sounds we have already been learning about and sorted objects beginning with these sounds. The children have started to continue a rhyming string when listening to rhyming stories. Please try at home to make up lots of rhyming words together. (Even words that are not real)
Thank you to our parents who joined us for Stay & Play on Friday. If anyone would still like a Stay & Play session please see a member of staff.
Next week:
Our number of the week is 9
Our colour of the week is blue. The children can bring a blue object to Nursery to add to our colour table. (Please make sure it is named)
Our letter sound of the week is 'm'
We have our Easter Craft sessions on:
Thursday (12.30-1.45)
Friday (8.45-10.15)
Could we please ask for one parent per child as we are holding this event in Nursery and will have lots of tables to negotiate around with the children. Thank you.
On Monday our parents of new children attending after Easter, will be attending the New Parents Information evening straight after school.
We will be opening our Indigo hair salon next week (following interests of the children) The children have spoken about the things they think should go into a hairdressers and have suggested names for it. Therefore, we will be pulling a suggestion out of a hat on Monday so watch this space!
If you have any items at home that we could use in the salon such as small towels/shampoo bottles/wigs/purses we would really appreciate your support.
Thank you
As Headteacher of Morpeth All Saints Church of England First School, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our vibrant, caring and happy school. At Morpeth All Saints we strive to enable all children within our care to achieve their very best, fully utilising their God given gifts and talents.
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