Each week during Spring Term we will look at a letter sound of the week, a number rhyme of the week and a 'Squiggle Whilst You Wiggle', mark making pattern of the week. Please check the website each week to see which of the above we will be looking at in the following week. At home you could practise the number rhyme and choose activities linked to the number rhyme, letter sound and mark making pattern. Thank you for your support
Week Beginning 19th February:
Letter sound of the week is 'R'
Squiggle whilst you wiggle mark making pattern is lines (This pattern starts each Wednesday)
Number rhyme of the week is 5 Little Monkeys
Story Telling Week
On Thursday we read The Gingerbread Man. Look at the photographs below to find out what we got up to linked to the story.
The Three Billy Goats Gruff
"Trip, trap, trip, trap, who's that trip trapping over my bridge?"
We have been making lots of bridges using a variety of resources. The children were brilliant problem solvers!
Brrrrrrrr! Snow!
We discovered that our yard had been covered in a layer of snow when we came to Nursery. Even though it was very cold outside, we wrapped up and went out to explore. We discovered that we could make patterns in the snow wth our hands, fingers and the bottom of our shoes. Some people managed to make tiny snowmen with a little help from Ms Cameron. It felt very cold and it promoted lots of language such as crispy, crunchy and soft. We hope it snows enough to make a larger snowman next time!
Jonah And The Whale
We read the story of Jonah and the whale and then we made a very large whale using collage. We acted out the story and pretended that we were inside Jonah's tummy. Lots of children thought of different things they could see inside the whale's tummy. We researched three different kinds of whale and found out that a killer whale is approximately seven children long! We used our friends to measure. Jonah and the whale prompted lots of mark making and some people even made a model of the boat on the stormy see and the whale from Duplo.
The Magical Musical Box
Welcome back after the Christmas break and a big welcome to our new starters.
This week we have been collecting sounds for the king's magical musical box. We made sounds using our voices then we made loud sounds and quiet sounds with the musical instruments. We had to collect all the sounds in the magic box so the king could have music to listen to at bedtime.
We then sorted our musical instruments into scrapers, shakers and tappers. It was great fun!
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