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Morpeth All Saints Church of England Aided First School


Reception Class

Week 4 Summer2 2024

Nursery Class (Indigo)

Week 1 Summer 2

A celebration of the children’s work - super drawings, models and paintings. Wow!

Week 1 Summer 2 2024

Reception had a talk with Gerry, a visiting textile artist who showed us her work and explained how she created her work.  We are going to create our own ‘Under the Sea’ pictures using various materials.  Today we created the background using sand and paint.

Week 6

Summer 1 2024

Reception class have been drawing transport for the ‘past’.  Look at their detailed drawings.

Summer 1 2024

Week 5

Summer 1 2024

Week 3

Blue class finished their ‘garden sculptures’ today by adding paper mini beasts.

Summer 1 2024

Week 2

Nursery Class

Indigo Class have been mixing their own green paint using the ‘dip, dab, mix’ technique and painting beanstalks for Jasper. They produced some wonderful artwork.

Summer 1 2024

Week 1

SCULPTURE is our new topic in Reception class. We made our own gardens using paper and card.  We folded, bent and rolled the paper.  We added texture with our scissors.  Can you see the grass?

Week 5

Spring 2 2024

Blue Sky have been learning about 3D shapes.  They used the shapes to build model buildings and then drew plans of their creations.

Week 4

Spring 2 2024

Today Reception class investigated how to tie dye material.  We looked at how to make spirals, bubbles and stripes.  
The children voted which one they liked the best.  The spiral design won.

The children then drew their own T-shirt design - they had great fun and produced some wonderful designs.

We then dyed our own t-shirts.

We cannot wait to see the finished items.  We have to leave them for a few days for the dye to take and then we will give them a wash.
What will they look like?

Spring 2 Art Club 2024

Week 1

Spring 2 2024

Blue Sea and Blue Sky have been creating their own Arctic landscapes using powder paints.  They mixed blue and white to create different shades of colour. (Dip Dab and Mix). They even drew their own polar bears to add at a later date.

Week 5

Spring 1 2024

Purple class have been working on the skill of sketching.  We pretended to be architects and drew different parts of our school building.  
We also sketched birds that we might find in our school grounds:  a blue tits, magpies, crows, robins, wood pigeons …

Week 4

Spring 1 2024

Sketching in response to a discussion about the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2024.

Week 3

Spring 1 2024

Blue Sea and Blue Sky have had a very CREATIVE week.  They have built and drawn their own bridge designs, painted scenes from their story book and used play dough to build lots of different structures.

Week 3

Spring 1 2024

Yellow class Outdoor Learning - sketching buildings and designing our own!

Week 2

Spring 1 2024

In Reception class today we practised our DIP DAB & MIX technique to paint pictures about the book The Three Billy Goats Gruff.

Week 2

Spring 1 2024

Week 1 

Spring 1 2024


Week 1

Spring 1

Red Class Outdoor Learning and Art.

Spring 2024

Week 7

Autumn 2

What a fantastic CELEBRATION WALL in nursery.  A real CELEBRATION of all the children’s creative creations.

Week 5

Autumn 2

Green class made art in the SNOW inspired by Andy Goldsworthy and Richard Long.  

Week 4

Autumn 2


Week 4

Autumn 2

The children made their own dragon eggs, complete with CRACK.  They used a split pin to open and close the crack so that DRAGON could emerge.

Week 4

Autumn 2

How many ways can you make a home for a dragon?  Reception can think of lots!

Week 3

Autumn 2

Starting with a story - Dragon Post by Emma Yartlett

Week 3

Autumn 2

Today we used white chalk on black paper to draw our flowers.  We looked at using different lines and shapes.  It sparked lots of great vocabulary: dark, light, straight, curved, tulip, seeds, leaves, stems …

Week 2

Autumn 2

This term our topic in Reception class is drawing.  We have been looking at the detail you find on different sorts of vehicles.  It has made us use lots of lovely vocabulary and also think about the shapes we see inside objects.  Can you see the detail and shapes in our cars, bicycles, bulldozers, double decker buses?

Week 2

Autumn 2

This week is INTERFAITH WEEK and both Reception classes have been learning about Diwali.  We took the opportunity to make our own divas using clay.

it was very tricky to manipulate and we have to work hard to roll, flatten, decorate… the clay.

Week 1

Autumn 2

Thank you for all your super, creative art work for REMEMBRANCE day.  They make a wonderful display when put together.

Week 1

Autumn 2

Orange class have been experimenting in art today.  They have used different materials to construct a multi-shaped and textured surface.



Week 1

Autumn 2

Reception class have been thinking about where they live and different sorts of houses.  They drew some great drawings using coloured pencils.

Week 8

Autumn 1 2023

Blue Sea

Celebrating Mae Jemison.  The first black, woman astronaut in space during Black History Month.

Week 8

Autumn 1 2023

Reception Class

We have been learning that Christians believe that God created the world in seven days.  We decided to paint the animals that God created.
We looked at small world toys and photographs for inspiration and then drew / painted the animals we had selected.

Week 7

Autumn 1 2023

Jade Class / Year 1

Today we looked at the TEXTURE of teddy bears and natural materials.  How could we draw this on our pictures?  We used lots of different sorts of marks.

Week 7

Autumn 1 2023

Today we have been using charcoal and oil pastels to draw our faces.  We thought very carefully about all the different features we have.

Week 6

Autumn 1 2023

Reception class have been thinking about patterns in maths so we went to look for patterns ‘around us’ in the EYFS yard.  We found squares, rectangles, circles, straight lines …

Week 5

Autumn 1 2023

Pictures made using found objects on Purple classes walk around the school grounds, during Outside Learning.

Week 3

Autumn 1 2023

Reception class drew all the members in their families.  We used lots of colour to show their emotions just like The Colour Monster (our book this week).

Week 3

Autumn 1 2023

Red class used view finders to find and record observations of linear patterning in natural objects.can you spot onions, feathers, wood …

Key Stage 2 used view finders to highlight different parts of objects.

Autumn Term

Week 1 2023

Blue Sea have been creating their own flags and demonstrating how great they are at using scissors.

Key Stage 2 used a story as a starting point for their mark making.   So wonderful to see their imaginations working in such different ways.

2023 - 2024

Week 6

Summer 2 2023

Year 4 made their own ‘relief’ stamps in play dough.  They used a range of different tools to achieve different marks.

Week 6

Summer 2023

Observational drawing with Reception class.  We looked very carefully at the lines and shapes we could see in the leaves and flowers.

Week 3

Summer 2 2023

Fantastic finished designs.  We used our collographs to add our designs to the dip dyed fabric.

Week 3

Summer 2023 

Upcycling yogurt pots for Climate Week.  We need pots to put our self seeded seedlings in.  
We love getting PLANTS FOR FREE!

Week 2

Summer 2 2023

Week 1

Summer 2 2023

Yellow class have been looking at African prints and natural materials as inspiration for their printing in future weeks.

Week 1 

Summer 2 2023

Red class have produced some very detailed sketches of the materials they were provided with today. We used natural materials and African prints.

Week 1

Summer 2 2023

Week 6

Summer 1 2023

Week 6

Summer 1 2023


Week 5

Summer 1 2023

Jade Class

Week 5

Summer 1 2023

Red Class

Using Henri Matisse as our inspiration we made our own positive and negative images and displayed them as collages in our sketch books.

Week 5

Summer 1 2023

The morning nursery children worked together to make a wonderful grass sculpture.

Week 4

Summer 1 2023

OUTSTANDING art work from Red and Yellow class. Well done

Week 4

Summer 1 2023

Yellow classes completed collages. Super use of shape, repeating pattern, complimentary colours and ‘thumbs up’ for trying to add OPTICAL ILLUSIONS into your work.


Week 4

Summer 1 2023


Week 3

Summer 2 2023

Yellow class made their own collages using contrasting / complimentary colours. They used OP ART as their inspiration but also the CORONATION.

Week 3

Summer 2 2023


Week 2

Summer 1 2023

Yellow class completed their collages using the work of Paul Klee as their inspiration. The complimentary colour sheets worked really well and it was an added achievement that they had mixed the colours the selves. STUNNING!

Week 2

Summer 1 2023

Today we made two caterpillars like the 5 caterpillars we are watching grow in nursery.
One had to be short and one long.
We PRINTED instead of using paint brushes.  We could choose from a range of round objects: cotton reels, corks, wooden blocks, sponges …

Week 1

Summer 1 2023

A new term a new topic in both Ks1 and KS2: COLLAGE. In KS1 we have been looking at the work of Andy Goldsworthy and in KS2 the artist Paul Klee.

Week 5

Spring 2

Yellow class have made their own clay relief stamps.  They used the primary colours to make an overlapping pattern.

Week 5

Spring 2

Super sculpture making from a member of our morning nursery. This was a castle, that just kept on growing!

Week 4

Spring 2

Celebrating all our work on the topic SCULPTURE this term. Please come and look at the display in the Performing Arts room.

Week 3

Spring 2

Fantastic collages created for Mothers Day by Yellow class.

Week 3

Spring 2

Nursery children using the interactive whiteboard to create patterns using different colours.

Week 3

Spring 2


Week 2

Spring 2

Week 2

Spring 2

Hot off the press! PRINT PRINT PRINT

Week 1

Spring 2

Yellow class investigating positive and negative prints. Can you guess what they used to make the prints? Pictures inspired by the architect Nigel Peake.

Week 1 

Spring 2

Super observational drawings of birds, taken from a very interesting book. Independent work completed at home. Stunning use of line and colour.  Produced by one our Year 4s.

Week 1

Spring 2

Week 1

Spring 2

Today we made collages - sticking pieces of paper onto paper to make different creatures. We made snappy crocodiles and slithery snakes from our song The Animal Fair.

Week 6

Spring 2


Week 6

Spring 1 2023

Key Stage 2 having been working in clay for the last few sessions of the art topic ‘3D / Sculpture’ this term. We have made inlay and relief pots, transposing our drawn designs into the clay objects we have created.

Week 5

Spring 1 2023

The nursery children have been using their hands to print robins today. They used red paint on their palms and brown on their fingers for the feathers.

Week 4

Spring 1 2023

Week 4

Spring 2

Jade class have been manipulating different coloured clay. How does it feel?

Week 4

Spring 1


Yellow class have been working with clay today. They explored the ‘inlay’ technique.

Week 3

Spring 1 2023


Red Class

Week 2 

Spring 1 2023


Yellow class have finished their paper mache pots!  Can you guess which artists they used as their inspiration?

Week 2

Spiring 1 2023


Jade class ART lesson outside today:

Green class responding to the work of the artist Andy Goldsworthy.

Week 2

Spring 1 2023


Today we started to paint the base layers on our paper mache. We also planned some designs for the outside of our finished pots using the artist we had chosen as our inspiration. Which one will we use?

Week 1

Spring 1 2023


NEW topic this term SCULPTURE.  Key stage 2 are staring a papier-mache project.  They have to select an artist whose work they will use as the inspiration for their bowl design.

Week 6

Autumn 2

”I’ve got a body a very busy body”.

Today we talked about the different parts of our bodies and drew them.

Week 6

Autumn 2

Yellow class have been mixing our own powder paints to make colours for our painting. We have been investigating skyscrapers by different artists. We looked at the work of Maggie Hambling, JMW Turner and Peter Lanyon.

Week 5

Autumn 2

Celebrating the work last term of the topic DRAWING.


Look at the fantastic activities you can take part in when working in Blue Sea and Blue Sky. 

Week 4

Autumn 2


Today we used powder paints for the first time in nursery. We followed a routine of dipping into water, then the paint. We then painted on our paper and washed our brushes before we put the brush back into the paint.



Week 3

Autumn 2

Using IMPASTO on our paintings of the sky in Yellow class.

Week 3

Autumn 2

Printing using the red oak leaves from our Outside Learning area. We made positive prints directly from the leaves and negative ones, going around the outside edge.

Week 2

Autumn 2

Fantastic art work by Jade class created to commemorate Remembrance Day.

Week 1

Autumn 2


The children in Blue class learned about the history of Bonfire Night and how it is celebrated with fireworks. They watched a firework display to gain ideas for their artwork. The children could choose to use a variety of media - oil pastels, poster paint, watercolour paints and glitter. 

Week 7

Autumn 1


Look at the fantastic art work created in the playground today.

Week 6

Yellow Class

Yellow class have been looking at Islamic patterns in art. They have been selecting and developing images and learning how we can use geometric paper to create patterns.


Autumn 1 Week 4

Crafts in Outside Learning. Yellow class made God’s eyes today.  They needed to listen and persevere.

Week 3 Yellow class ART.

Today we used our imaginations to think about what the Iron Man might have looked like. We made some pencil sketches and then produced a large drawing using oil pastels.

Week 3 GREEN Class

Fantastic observational drawings of leaves from our Outside Learning lesson today.  Look at the great detail and use of line.

Week 1 Yellow Class

Our new topic this term is drawing.  Exploring marks and looking at the work of Vincent Van Gogh for inspiration.

Week 1 (Autumn 1 2022)

Outdoor Learning with Jade class today was cut short by the thunder and the lightening (Plus torrential rain). We still managed to identify some trees that grow in our outside are by looking at their leaves. Look at their fantastic sketches.

WELCOME BACK 2022-2023

Week 7: Summer 2 2022: Figure drawing in nursery today. We talked about all the different parts of our bodies and then the children were encouraged to draw themselves independently.

Week 7: Using ICT tools for our art work. We know how to change colour, get a new page, rub out ...

Week 7: Completing our model castles.Adding features: draw bridges, arrow slits, flags .... Using different joining techniques: glue, sellotape

Week 5: Summer 2 2022: Nursery tarted making their own model castles. We started by printing the walls with large and small sponges.

Week 4: Summer 2 2022: Yellow class have been using the artist Francis Bacon as their inspiration for their collage work today.

Summer 2: Week 4: Observational paintings of dragons by Indigo class.

Summer 2: Week 2: Super collage work from ORANGE class. They looked at the work of Henri Matisse for inspiration.

Tweets from our Morpeth Mayor about our Art exhibition last term:

Summer 2: Week 1: Junk modelling and painting in Nursery class

Winner of Art competition. Work completed at home.

Platinum Jubilee Collage - Yellow Class May 2022

ART Exhibition 2021 2022: Landmarks of the North East

Entries to our art competition: Landmarks of the North East. Please come and look at the art and D&T work produced in school in the Art Exhibition in the Performing Arts room on Friday27th May 2022.

Summer 1 2022: KS2: Fabulous finished designs showing our linear sketches, tie-dye and mono prints. WOW!

SUMMER 1 WEEK 2: Today we dipped our fabric in dye, in preparation for adding mono prints next week.

SUMMER 1 2022: Yellow Class are exploring TEXTILES this term. We investigated linear lines in wood grain and used them to make our own mono print on fabric.

SUMMER 1: ART: 3D / Sculpture: Celebrating the work covered this term in KS1, KS2 and the EYFS. Displayed in the Performing Arts Room.

Spring 2 2022: Yellow class have planned, made and decorated their own cast of a piece of footwear.

Our entries into the Royal Academy Young Persons Art Competition 2022 - please see below

Sycamore Gap JADE CLASS - Year 1

Purple Class COQUET ISLAND - Year 1 / 2

Bamburgh Castle GREEN CLASS - Year 2

The Tyne Bridge YELLOW CLASS - Year 3

Orange Class LINDISFARNE - Year 3 / 4


SPRING 2: WEEK 4: Independent picture frames made by Purple class using natural materials.

GREEN CLASS OUTSIDE LEARNING: Using art & outdoor learning to show the different parts of a plant.

Spring 2: Week 3: Nursery: Using shapes to create our own picture ideas

SPRING 2 2022: ORANGE CLASS: This term we are investigating SCULPTURE. Today the children learnt how to make a coil, clay pot. we love how differently they all turned out.

SPRING 2 2022: Week 1: INDIGO CLASS have been making sculptures from natural materials in their outdoor learning today.

Spring 1 2022: Week 7: NURSERY CLASS: Investigating prints made by different objects.

SPRING 1 2022: WEEK 5: Yellow Class made their own 'COLLOGRAPH' print blocks.

SPRING 1 2022: Week 6: Jade Class made their own printing blocks

SPRING 1: WEEK 4: ART in KS2: Designing and making our own Press Print Relief blocks.

SPRING 1: WEEK 4: ART: Exploring figure drawing in the nursery. We talked about how to hold our pen (nip / flick / grip) and all the different parts of our bodies.

SPRING 1: ART: PAINTING: Celebrating the work covered this term in KS1, KS2 and the EYFS. Displayed in the Performing Arts Room.

AUTUMN 2: KS2 PAINTING: Turner inspired landscapes

AUTUMN 2: WEEK 7: Examples of art work for Blue Sea & Blue Sky this term

AUTUMN 2: WEEK 6: Our Christmas cards this year. We have used techniques learnt in both drawing and painting this Autumn term.

Autumn 2: Week 5: INDIGO class experimenting with 'joining' materials. We created our own Christmas decorations, using sellotape, staplers and PVA glue.

AUTUMN 2: WEEK 4: Orange Class work in the style of Georgia O'Keefe (Art & Outdoor Learning)

AUTUMN 2: Week 4: Expressive Arts & Design: Printing in the nursery during 'Occupations Week'. We used Duplo bricks to print a wall and had to follow a repeating pattern.

CONGRATUALTIONS to one of our pupils in Purple Class for being a runner up in RAF Boulmer's Christmas card competition.

A message from the organiser at RAF Boulmer

I just wanted to send a quick note to say a massive thank you to Mrs Roberts and all the kids who sent in an entry for our recent competition. They were lovely and I’m so grateful for the effort they, their parents and you all went to!

 Thank you again for your participation and we hope to see entries from Morpeth All Saints again next year.

 Kind regards (and an early Merry Christmas!)

 Jennifer Robinson


Autumn 2: Week 2: Yellow Class: Work completed over two weeks (please see Yellow Class class pages). Week one and then week two.

AUTUMN 1: ART: DRAWING: Celebrating the work covered this term in KS1, KS2 and the EYFS. Displayed in the Performing Arts Room.

Autumn1 2021: Yellow Class: Observational drawing skills

CONGRATULATIONS to all the children who entered the Royal Mail Stamp competition. You got into the Guinness Book of Records.

Nursery Outdoor Learning Art

Pictures made out of found, natural materials.  Can you tell what they are?  Castles and people.

ORANGE CLASS: Outside Learning: Looking at objects in detail and using them in our landscapes.

Jade Class - Responding to a story using art 

Yellow Class - DRAWING: Reflecting and improving our previous art work.

KS2 ART collaborative work using the artist John Brunsdon as our inspiration.

Summer 2021 A celebration of our work in Art and D&T this term

ART: COLLAGE: Summer Term 2 

Our assessment focus this term has been on collage, a skill we covered in Spring this year.  All children were asked to make a sunflower head using collage materials.  The finished sunflowers were used to make replicas of one of Van Gogh's famous sunflower paintings.

Jade Class (Year 1)

Purple Class (Year 1 / 2)

Green Class (Year 2)

Yellow Class (Year 3)

Orange Class (Year 3 / 4)

Red Class (Year 4)

Celebrating our core values 2020 - 2021. Every class designed and made a picture that expressed one of our values.

Harvest Collections for Wansbeck Valley Food Bank October 2020

School Council Peace Pole Project 2020

Remembrance Path 2019 created by our pupils

LEGO club - Friday dinnertime (Mrs Steel / Mrs Roberts). Today our letter of the week was 'o'. We made oceans, octopodes, Octonaut vehicles and the letter 'o'

Year 4 Tennis Team - Morning Winners 30.4.19

Food Bank Appeal January 2019 with our School councillors

Spring 1 LEGO CLUB is Jade Class. Today we made objects that begin with a 'r' and a picture of their face.

Talk Like a Pirate Day and Captain Raggy Beard

Today at LEGO club the lucky dip challenge was to make a house for a Lego figure to fit inside.

LEGO club started today. This term it is Green Class. Our 'Lucky Dip' challenge was to make a picture of a face.

Royal Wedding Street Party 18 May 2018

Morpeth All Saints pupils Eggcel at their Easter Eggstravaganza Eggs - WOW! Thank many entries!

World Language Day 21 February 2018

Thank you - Wansbeck Food Bank February 2018

Minions Have a Dinner Day 18 January 2018

Year 4 Choir singing in Sandersons Arcade 18.11.17

Outdoor Learning

90th Celebrations for the Queen

To celebrate the Queen's 90th birthday we planned an afternoon packed full of lots of exciting activities. From making a crown to playing God Save the Queen on the glockenspiel. We invited all the parents in and then had a picnic fit for the Queen, we even had cucumber sandwiches. Thank you for your support, another great afternoon.



Morpeth All Saints Updates


As Headteacher of Morpeth All Saints Church of England First School, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our vibrant, caring and happy school. At Morpeth All Saints we strive to enable all children within our care to achieve their very best, fully utilising their God given gifts and talents.

Read More of the school welcome page

Contact Details

Morpeth All Saints Church of England Aided First School Pinewood Drive, Lancaster Park, Morpeth, Northumberland NE61 3RD UK
T: 01670 512803 Read More contact details


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Calendar Dates

  • There are no events for the next 10 weeks.
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Together We Flourish (John 10:10)
Together We Flourish (John 10:10)


A very warm welcome to Morpeth All Saints CE First School. We aim to provide each child with the opportunity to achieve his or her potential. We hope you enjoy looking at our website. At Morpeth All Saints we believe everyone should be treated with respect, friendship, forgiveness, love and honesty.