Please remember you do not have to purchase any items of school uniform. from the school office or school provider.
You may buy any items of uniform style clothing in any combination of school colours from any supplier e.g., local supermarkets/high street or online stores.
There are various ways to purchase items of uniform
We would ask that pupils come to dressed in school colours e.g., Purple sweatshirt/sweatcardie, White/Gold or Purple Polo Shirt, Grey trousers/skirt/pinafore, dark shoes/socks. All pupils should have a PE kit in a suitable bag together with a school despatch bag or bring their own rucksack.
However, if you wish to purchase items with the official school logo on, please see ordering details below.
School Stock
We keep a small amount of stock in the school office. Please contact Mrs. Taylor direct. You may either pay by cash/cheque or via your Parentpay account for these items.
Direct from Supplier
Our uniform provider, Emblematic Limited can supply items to you directly via their website at: or from their shop in Bedlington.
Please follow this link and select the Bedlington Store, visit direct or telephone (01670)820262
If you do order online please ensure you arrange for items to be delivered to school as there is a charge for delivery to your home address. All items received in school will be sent home via pupil post.
Tartan Skirts/Kilts
These items are only available to purchase/order directly from school. Mrs. Taylor keeps a supply of these in the school office.
PE Kit
Please ensure your child has a PE Kit in school each day. This should comprise of a T-shirt, dark shorts, plimsolls and in winter months a pair of tracksuit bottoms).
As Headteacher of Morpeth All Saints Church of England First School, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our vibrant, caring and happy school. At Morpeth All Saints we strive to enable all children within our care to achieve their very best, fully utilising their God given gifts and talents.
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