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Morpeth All Saints Church of England Aided First School

Yellow - KS2

Learning Journey Autumn 1 2023

Maths Presentation 2023

Our PE days are this term are Wednesday and Friday so come in your school PE kit on these days. Named water bottles should be filled at home and brought in daily. As we may be outside joggers and a sweatshirt may be required.


Here are some additional spelling resources to consolidate learning from KS1 and KS2

Week 3

Spring 2

Fabulous football skills shown with Miss Scott today.

Week 3

Spring 2

Week 2

Spring 2

Week 6

Spring 1

We transposed designs onto the clay tiles.  We used our own line drawings.

Homework Spring 1 Ancient Greece

Spellings for test 13th February

Busy week in class. We are carrying on learning short multiplication and trying to use our known times tables to hekp us . Please access TTRS to help with this  at home. In English we are enjoying Charlotte's Web and this week wrote charcter descriptions, used prepositions and learnt about headings and subheadings . In History we made fact files about daily life in Ancient Greece and in RE we looked atthe festival of Diwali and what happens on the five main days. 

Spellings for test 6th February

Spellings for test 30th January 2023

Week 5

Spring 1 2023

Super team work with partners to create our gymnastic routines this afternoon.

Week 4

Spring 1

Show and tell - super work at home in Science. Experimenting with electrical circuits. 
Up, up and away. Using a motor to turn a wind turbine.

Week 4

Spring 1

Art this week involved exploring the ‘inlay’ technique.  We used different coloured clay and in layer it to make a dish.

Week 4

Spring 1 2023

Super skills being applied in gymnastics today. We focused on pair work using the stations arranged for us. We used rolls, travel, balance and jumps.



Week 2

Spring 1


Presenting and sitting in gymnastics. We have learnt how to add these to our routines.

Week 2

Spring 1 2023


Super presentation today with our writing. We have been using frontal adverbials.

Week 1

Spring 1 2023



Yesterday we started our papier mache project. We are making our own bowl using an artist as inspiration for the design.


Spring 1 2023


Today in PE we started our new topic - GYMNASTICS. We recapped KS1 work and looked at travelling and balancing. We put these together to create a routine. We added a ‘present’ position at the beginning and end of each routine.

Homework - The rainforest Autumn 2

Spellings for 19th December

Spellings for 12th December

Spellings for 5th December

Spellings for 28th November

Week commencing 21st November

Thank you to all the parents / carers who attended parents' evenings. It was lovely to meet you all. 

This week in English we started a unit of work using The Lost Happy Endings. We made predictions, wrote similes and metaphors, looked at the difference between fact and opinion and learntt all about reported  speech. In Maths we carried on trying to master up to 3 digit column addition and subtraction, used d the inverse and then started to look at equal groups and arrays  Please use the resources I sent home to help your child master column addition and subtraction as it is vital they understand this  before we move on to written multiplication and vision. I am more than happy to send more resouces home if you want them. Some of us enjoyed watching England in their first world cup game ! In Geography we looked at and compared climate data between Manaus and London. I was so impressed with everyone's presentation of their graphs! In French we continued to learn the names for classroon objects and completed a translation exercise and in PSHE we looked at the difference between bullying and falling out and what we can do to help others. We are all very excited to visit the Gurdwara next week as a key stage.

Week 6

Autumn 2

Exploding the work of Sean Scully. We used our powder paint blocks to create our own collage using his trademark stripes and blocks of colour.

Week 6

Autumn 2

Working on teams to solve maths problems involving grouping and sharing.

Week 6

Autumn 2

Investigating MEAT FREE MONDAY


Week 3

Autumn 2

Dancing - responding to photographs of the weather with Ms Scott. We tried to include stormy and lighter movements in our dance.

Week 3

Autumn 2

Yellow class created their Writing Toolkits today to help with the writing of their diary entry tomorrow (Hot Write). Their work is based on the book ‘The Secret of Black Rock’.

Spellings for test on 21st November

Week beginning  7th November 

This week saw us carrying on with written addition before reminding ourselves of how we show an exchange in the column methods of both addition and subtraction. Please practise these at home as we all need to get really fluent in these methods. We learnt all about Remembrance Day and took part in creating a whole school display. In Geography as an introduction to our new topic we used atlases to locate the world's rainforests before learning about the different types. In RE we thought about what Sikh's believe and what their three duties are in RE this week.  I was so impressed with everyone's skills in ICT where we used the Paint application to recreate an aerial map. In English we learnt all about relative clauses, adverbials and fronted adverbials and revisited all the main types of punctuation. On Friday we took part in a multi school skipping festival !

Spellings for test on 14th November

Week beginning 31st October 

This week in class we carried on with addition and subtraction concentrating on the written column method. Please practise this at home if you can. In English we started a wonderful new book The Secret of Black Rock. We made inferences , sequenced the story, wrote expanded noun phrases and finished off the week doing some drama activities based around key points in the story. In PE with NUFC we played team games focussing on developing strategies and with the SSP on Friday we started Dance. We had outdoor learning this week with Mrs Roberts. In history we tried to solve the question about why did the Maya disappear ...we had to sort theories and we took a class vote . Next week we will be starting out Geography  unit based all around the rainforest. In RE we started Sikhism by looking at who founded this religion and where whilst in French we learnt the names of some classroom objects. We have a trainee teacher in class Mr Morris so be sure to say hello if you see him. He will be with us on his placement until just before Christmas. Super effort by all this week .I am so proud of them !     

Welcome back!

I hope you all had a lovely half term.

I am looking forward to seeing you all on Monday.

Love Mrs Thompson 

Spellings for test on 7th November

Spellings for 31st October

Spellings for test on 17th October

Week beginning 3rd October 

We have had another super busy week. In French we learnt how to ask and answer the question, 'What is your name?' We are starting to put all our learning  in this unit  together and have short conversations with our friends. In ICT we researched Maya Gods and then used our work to write fact files about them. They were amazing and what wonderful facts everyone found!  In English we planned and wrote about original characters before using a story map to plan our own adventure and mystery story which we will be writing next week . In Maths we finished the place value unit with a range of consolidation activities, counted in 50s and started our new unit of addition and subtraction. In RE we looked at covenants and thought about covenants we could make in our own lives.  I think we all enjoyed PSHE were we are thinking about a learning charter and described our dream teacher and a dream pupil ! I am not sure all the suggestions for no work will make it onto the final charter wink I am so proud of everyone !

Spellings for test on 10th October

Week 3

Autumn 1 2022

our drawings of what we think the Iron Man might have looked like. We used pencil to do preliminary sketches and then pastels to make an enlarged version.

Autumn 1 Week 3

Today in PE we talked about multi skills. We focused on jumping but added on a balance. Can you think of sports where you may need to balance?

Spellings for week commencing 26th September

Spellings for test week beginning 19th September

Week beginning 12th September 

It was a reflective week in class and we spent some time looking back at  service and duty shown to us all by our  Queen Elizabeth II. Everyone did some work thinking about all her favourite things. I was so proud of them all.

In English we used a thesaurus, wrote expanded noun phrases , looked at capital letters as a reminder and wrote a character description for a mammoth! In Maths we looked at partitioning 100 in different ways, counting in 100s, representing numbers to 100 and partitioning 1000. We had our first French lesson and investigated the people and country of France, everyone is excited to start learning another language. In history we looked at timeline of the Maya and had a brief introduction to this civilisation. In RE we have started looking at People of God with a retell of the story of Noah. We are so proud of you all and how you are settling back into school and life in KS2! 

Week commencing 5th September

It was so lovely to meet you all!  I have been so impressed with how you all have settled into class this week. It is a very sad time for our country at the moment so please talk to me at any time if you need to.

Week beginning 12th September


To follow 

Spellings for test 21st March

Spellings for test 14th March

Week commencing 7th March 

Wow! What a first week back we had ! In maths we quickly revisited pounds and pence from KS1 before moving onto converting between pounds and pence. Most of us know our coins and notes but please help reinforce thsi at home with your child if you can. We will be looking at addin gand subtracting monet, money word problems and giving change next week before moving on so any support at home is invaluable. We started looking at the features of letters and then persuasive letters in English. We are aiming to write to the Prime Minister at the end of this unit so watch this space ! In history this week we had a visit from the hopeless embalmer and had to help her get a Pharaoh ready for the afterlife ! I was amazed at all the wonderful learning! We celebrated World Book day in class using the book, This zoo is not for you!. Amongst lots of aactivities we held as class debate looking at whether zoos are good places for animals to be . We are practising our assembly and can't wait to show it to you all. In French we started a new topic all about pets and in ICT we are looking at using scratch this half term. 

Spellings for test 7th March

Welcome back Yellow Class !

I cannot believe we are half way through our year together! I hope you have all had a wonderful half term.

Don't forget to bring in pictures of you with your pets, or pets in your family,  for our french display smiley It will look amazing I am sure.

Remember you should be learning your words for our class assembly next week. I know you will be fantasic, even though Covid made us delay it a couple of weeks. I hope we are all fit and well now. 

See you all on Monday.


SPRING 1 2022: WEEK 7: Performing our acrostic poems.

SPRING 1 2022: Week 7: Last week of our gymnastics topic. Great routines.

SPRING 1 2022: Week 7: SCIENCE: Today we investigated the magnetic poles of a magnet. We discovered which combination were attracted or repelled each other.

Spellings for 31st January

Spellings for test 24th January 2022

Week commencing 17th January 

This week in English we worked on comparing and contrasting two different but known versions of Cinderella. We are starting to think about what we could 'twist' in our own versions of the story. We also did an extended write all about breakfasts around the world to link to our topic in French and investigated when to use a or an amongst other things. In maths we carried on looking at the 3 and 4 times tables including multiplying and dividing and enjoyed an ICT session on TTRS. Have a look at the photos below of our maths relays! Please,please access these at home to help you learn them!

In RE we thought about what it meant to be Fishers of Men and thought about ways we could do as Jesus asked while in history we learnt all about how Ancient Egyptian society was organised...we all thought we would not have liked to be a slave ! In French we drew and labelled a breakfast scene using all our new vocabulary -I was so impressed by eberyones effforts!  

This week I will be sending home the words for your child to learn for the upcoming class assembly. There is no need for a costume- school uniform will be fine - unless your child really want to make or wear something. Please do not go to any unwarranted expense. Any queries please ask.

Week commencing 10th January

This week in maths we recapped dividing by 2,5,10 before moving onto multiplying and dividing by 3. It is crucial you are using Times Tables Rockstars to help you learn your multiplication tables. I really cannot stress this will make written methods so much easier for you. Please try and access this for 10 mins every day.  

In English we made predictions about a new text and worked on developing our inference skills as these are needed to help us really progress as amazing readers. We also investigated causal conjunctions and wrote sentences using these and our inferences. I am so proud of all your efforts!

In French we started a new topic entitled 'At the cafe and healthy living!' This week we learnt new vocabulary for drinks we could order as well as investigating breakfasts from all over the world. In RE we are learning about Gospel and thought about how we could be,'fishers of men.' Tuesday saw us enjoying group learning of the Samba drums! Look out for this at our upcoming class assembly smiley In ICT we are word processing and are learning all about fonts and images at the moment. In History we have started to investigate the world of the Ancient Egyptians... in my opinion one of the greatest  Ancient civilisations. We have an exciting few weeks coming up including a virtual  Egyptian event with the GNM...I am SO excited to share this with you all! Keep up the amazing effort Yellow Class ! 


SPRING 1 2022: Week 3: Making our own MONOPRINTS in art this week using our African designs from Week 2.

SPRING 1 2022: Week 3: Science - Investigation FRICTION

SPRING 1 2022: Week 3: Maths: Lots of fun learning our 4 x tables. We worked in teams taking part in a relay race.

SPRING 1 2022: Week 3: PE is gymnastics this term. Today we looked at 'balance'.

Spellings for test 17th January 2022

Week commencing 3rd January

It was so lovely to see you all again ! Your smiles and greetings every morning make me smile !

This week we have started a new topic in Engish - traditional tales and fairy tales. We looked at finding and recognising all those features that tell us it may be a fairy tale before producing some lovely written work about them. In maths we have recapped the 2 and 5 times tables, both multiplication and division facts, and using arrays  before we move on. I really cannot stress the importance of learning all your times tables enough will really help you as we progress through this year. Go back over all those tables from KS1 to make sure you know them as well as looking at your 3 , 4 and 8 x please. We used ICT to start our new unit of word processing and reminded ourselves of some of the functions from KS1. In PE we looked at problem solving and challenge games with NUFC - we worked well as a team smiley. In RE we started looking at Gospel and learn tall about the calling of the first disciples and in PSHE we thought about hopes and dreams and made dream jars.

A super start to the new term! I am so proud of you all.

SPRING 1 2022: Week 2: ART: Investigating African art to use next week in our printing

Just a little THANK YOU note from Mrs Thompson, Mrs Roberts and Mrs Hawkes. Have a very happy Christmas and we will see you back at school in January 2022!


AUTUMN 2: WEEK 7: ART: Turner inspired paintings

Spellings for test 29th November

Week commencing 15th November 

We are still learing about non chronolgical reports in English as we prepare to produce our own all about volcanoes! We enjoyed learning about rhetorical questions. In Maths we are still continuing with addition and subtaction up to 3 digit numbers including developing the written methods. It has been interfaith week and we have been learning all about the Buddhist faith. We held a virtual interactive session with some practising  Buddhists and we had so many fabulous questions for them. Ask your child what they now know !

AUTUMN 2: WEEK 5: PSHE: I am special because ... We made a collective, class paper chain which included our own special qualities

AUTUMN 2: Week 4: SCIENCE: Investigating the composition of soil and how worms help the decomposition of food waste.

AUTUMN 2: Week 3: Interfaith Week: A mandala is a circular symbol, often seen in Hinduism and Buddhism, which represents the universe. It can be used as a focus for meditation, and making one is very calming and centring

AUTUMN 2: WEEK 2: Extended Writing: Our letters to the Earth. Following on from our learning about COP26.

AUTUMN 2: WEEK 2: Today the children developed their work by painting small brush strokes over the shapes in a contrasting tone. (Part 2)

Spellings for 15th November

AUTUMN 2: WEEK 2: Super Scientists investigating the properties of ROCKS!

Week commencing 1st November 

It was lovely to see you all back in class and hear about your half term adventures ! This week saw us continuing with addition and subtraction in maths - we are still using concrete resources to help us with tricky exchanges but are all trying super hard. In English we have finished looking at Shackleton's Journey and I must say we have all learnt so much. I think our highlight was the virtual visit to the Scott Polar Reasearch institute looking at the artefacts and hearing the stories associated with them . All the children wrote an amazing diary entry this week to show their learning which included lots of historical facts! In RE we are starting Incarnation and this week thought about the symbolism of water - we started the lesson outside chalking up descriptive  words that water make us think of and the benefits it gives us - we then 'washed away' words to leave our main ideas. We carried on our learning in class thinking about baptisms and bible stories invloving water. In PE we got very wet with NUFC but still had fun and we started dance with Mrs Roberts on Friday. In Geography we have strated our new unit Tremors and Diasaters! We learnt about the structure of our amazing earth and made the layers using custards , chocolate mousse and cookies ! In French we started learning the names for some french vegetables and told our friends which ones we liked and didn't like .

AUTUMN 2: WEEK 1: Making a surface for our painting (PART 1)

Here are spellings for 1st November ! Have a super half term!

Spellings for test 18th October

Week commencing 11th October

This week we were very excited in English to start our new topic of diaries and recounts. We are using the wonderful book Shackleton's journey by William Grill  and started off the week responding to a mysterious advert! We used the suffix - ous words, wrote and responded to open questions in role as we were interviewed for the expedition and used ICT to research the actual 26 crew men. What wonderful learning! I have a very special activity linked to this coming this week smiley In Maths we started using concrete and pictorial representations to help us model formal column addition. I am so proud of how everyone is trying to master this new skill. In Music we watched  the video from Oliver looking at the song Consider Yourself. We compared this to let your spirit fly and carried out some fun games finding the pulse. In History we looked at Skara Brae, looked at the houses and investigated the midden! We compared life at Skara Brae to Star Carr using Venn Diagrams! In French we undertook a translation exercise from french to english  and vice versa. Everyone showed lots of wonderful ideas and learning!


Week commencing 4th October 2021 

We have had anothe busy week in school. We enjoyed Yoga on Tuesday and are doing so well with our poses and relaxation techniques. In History this week we explored the mystery of Stonehenge, voting to see why we thought it had been built. We all thought it was magnificent ! In maths we started addition and subtraction and are looking forward to learning formal writtem methods over the coming weeks. In English we completed our mystery stories unit by working in groups to collate original ideas, developing plots and story maps before writing and editting our own original stories .They were super ! Well done.

In RE we looked at the importance of sayin gsorry and made a class sorry string . We thought about why sorry can be the hardest word to say. In Music we listened to the Colonel Bogey March and accompanied on our glockenspiels and in ICT we looked at how to send and recieve emails ! PE with NUFC was throwing and catching. Great job this week everyone ! 

Spellings for test 11th October

Week commencing 27th September

Thank you to all the parents and carers who attended the curriculum evening. It was lovely to meet you all. 

We have  had a super week in class. In English we enjoyed finding vivid verbs and loved the song that can help us to remember what they are. We used modal verbs in our writing and thought about how a character in a piece of text would feel and act. We went outside to use role play to help us step into the character's shoes ! We then  used all our learning so far to improve a piece of text about the Stone Age. In maths we are finishing looking at place value.We had a carousel of activities day where we created huge part- whole models by  partitioning 3 digit numbers, we explored the different ways to represent numbers using place value robots, played place value snakes and ladders and drew mazes for friends to solve by counting in 50s. What super learning! In French we looked at Ca Va and its replies while in ICT we explored why it is important to make strong passwords to keep our information safe. In history we explored Star Carr and looked at artefacts to see what they could tell us about daily life in Mesolithic Britain ! In RE we looked at the story of Moses and the 10 commandments and took a class vote on which commandment we thought was the most important. Amongst other things we thought about why we may need a Makers Manual to help us in our lives today.

Spellings for test 4th October

WEEK 5: Tag Rugby: Learning to dodge our opponent

WEEK 5: SCIENCE: Exploring SHADOWS : Making animal shadows puppets with our hands

Week 4: ART: Making our own 'rural' or 'water' landscape and reflecting on our own and others work

WEEK 4: PE Tag Rugby: Playing Bull Dog and Head, Shoulder, Cone for our warm up

WEEK 3: ART - using our work to develop drawings