Your Class Teacher is: Mrs. Rusby
Hello everyone and welcome to our Red Class Page.
Here you will find all of the information you require to help you through your Year 4 journey with me.
If you have any questions about what you find here, please feel free to make an appointment to speak to me through Mrs Taylor in the school office.
Mrs. Rusby
Please find the spellings and homework for this half term (Autumn 2). Your child has written on their reading record which spelling group they are in, and they have been given their Times Table Rockstars log in details too. Many thanks for your support. L. Rusby
Please find weekly homework and spellings set on the Homework link (below class pages section on main screen). Many thanks, LR
Welcome back to our new school year! 2021-2022 is going to be a full-filled, jam-packed, exciting year and I am looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 7th September 2021.
Please find below some of the information you will need to help you settle back into the swing of things.
W/E 15th October 2021
What an amazing week we have had! The children did themselves proud at our first class assembly in school for 18 months. We welcomed lots of parents, and carers, into school and shared all of our work this half term. The children used fantastic loud voices and made sure that their singing was just as fantastic as their speaking voices!
We have also been learning about direct and indirect quotes in English and exploring addition and subtraction in Maths as well as finding out about Star Carr in History.
Our sports have tired us out this week too and, we are definitely ready for the weekend!
Please don’t forget to dress up for our Stone Age day next Thursday if you can. If not, your school uniform will be fine on the day. Keep an eye out for the KS2 teachers getting their costumes ready too!
W/E 24.09.21
This week, we have been placing numbers on a number line to 10,000. We have worked hard on focusing on our place value and making sure that we place the number in the correct place. We have also been working on our grammar skills and reminding ourselves where punctuation should be!
In History, we have been placing events from prehistoric times onto a timeline. Ask your child if they are able to tell you how long the Stone Age went on for!
We have also been keeping ourselves fit with yoga, ability training and rugby. We are so fit!
Meet your class teacher
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Home Learning 2020/2021
Please click on the following link for home learning 16/09/2020 to 24/09/2020
Spring Term
W/B 5.01.21
Well, I was expecting to hear all about your lovely holidays on our return but since some of you have to stay at home I will have to say my 'Welcome Back!' on here instead.
I know you guys are going to be great at staying motivated and safe at home and I look forward to seeing you all when we can all get back together again.
Stay safe,
Mrs M
Welcome back after half term. I hope you all had a lovely break and it is great to see you all back in school this week.
If possible could you please collect some food labels for Science? It would be great of you can bring them in for next Tuesday!
This week we have been converting lengths in Maths and investigating fact files in English. We will be creating our own fact files soon on an animal of our own choice. We have also started our topic all about rainforests. I have attached some extra homework here if yo fancy adding it to your Maya homework. Some of the activities are very practical and fun so have a go!
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W.E. 17.01.2020
This week we have been busy continuing our topics of multiplication and division in Maths, and persuasive writing in English. We used role played, using persuasive language, to convince our partner that WE needed the special pen. We also used decision alley to convince Mrs McLaughlin that we should share her birthday chocolate fingers!
We have also enjoyed learning apabout Saints Cuthbert, Saints Aidan, Saint Mary and Saint James The Great. Hopefully you may see some of our work on display in the hall when you next visit.
Welcome back and Happy New Year to you all!
We will be focusing on The Romans as our topic for this term and we have lots of exciting activities planned.
WE 29.11.19
We have been working on perimeter of shapes this week. The children have worked hard to ensure that they are adding all the sides of the shapes. They even asked each other challenging questions to extend their learning!
In English we have started the genre of image poetry. The children have been learning about the form and structure of poems and identifying analogies.
During History we became archaeologists a went to Egypt to find out about god and goddesses. Ask your child what they can remember.
We have also been learning to identify pitch in songs and working on the weather in French. We also had an opportunity to watch Orange Class's assembly. They did a great job.
It would to see as many as possible of the children on Saturday too, for singing at St James's church for the Advent Market at 11.20.
Have a lovely weekend.
W.E. 25.10.19
What a busy week!
Thank you so much for coming and supporting us as we did our Class Assembly. We really hope you enjoyed it.
We have been finishing off some of our topics this week. One of our favourite things we have done has been created a landscape picture in repsonse to the artwork we have look at by John Brunson. Have a look at the picturspes below at how much fun we had completeing them!
W.E. 18.10.19
This week we have completed our genre of fantasy stories. The children completed their own story about a new character and their adventures. The stories were amazing! Well done everyone.
In Maths we have been exploring fractions of an amount. Some children have found these quite tricky so some practise at home would be good idea. As always, please also support your child in learning their times tables too.
The children created their own travel brochure page for visiting Egypt. We will be showcasing this half terms work in our assembly next Wednesday. Please do come along and support us.
The children have been given lines to learn for this so please practise loud voices and standing smartly ready for the big event.
W.E 27.09.19
This week we have focused on completing subtraction questions using addition to count on. We have discovered patterns in numbers and used this knowledge to complete 'no thinking' calculations'. Ask you child to show you how clever this is.
In English, we have been exploring the different characters in the text 'How to Train Your Dragon'. It's amazing how different they all are. I wonder which character your child identifies with the most?
We have also been completing our fact finding mission on where Egypt is in the world and focusing on its geographical features. It has been interesting to compare our country to Egypt and spot the similarities and differences. I think all the children wished there was more sunshine here!
Welcome back everyone!
It’s lovely to have everyone back and looking so smart. We have hit the road running and enjoying our new learning journey.
Please remeber that we are off to Robinwood next Wednesday so some good nights sleep will be of benefit!
We have been working together on a Maths problem. Look at how hard we have been working...
W.E 15.3.17
This week has been Science Week. We have been taking part in lots of investigations and writing up our results. We have made butter with parents, used virtual reality headsets, tried to make a protective coat for eggs and many more exciting things.
Alongside this we have also been planning our own twisted fairytale and consolidation our knowledge on perimeter and fractions.
Thank you for coming in and supporting us in the classroom making butter. We hope you had fun.
We are finishing the week with a trip to Live Tales for a story writing workshop.
More science next week too, so we look forward to investigating science even further.
W.C 21.1.19
This week we have decided to have a break from our Greek Myths and focus on SPaG in English. We are focusing on using our punctuation correctly (including capital letters, full stops, commas. inverted commas, question marks and apostrophes).
In Maths we are focusing om rounding 4-digit numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000.
In our topic work we are focusing on artwork in History and designing our own Greek vase.
On Friday afternoon Year 4 takes part in P4C and problem solving activities with Miss Halliday and Mrs Mclaughlin. This is a great opportunity to share views, opinions and answer some tricky questions.
We have had a great Autumn term and everyone has worked very hard.
The Rainforest topic has come to an end and we hope you like our beanbag frogs.
Our topic for Spring is Ancient Greeks and we are looking forward to learning new skills.
we wish you all a very a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2019.
As Headteacher of Morpeth All Saints Church of England First School, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our vibrant, caring and happy school. At Morpeth All Saints we strive to enable all children within our care to achieve their very best, fully utilising their God given gifts and talents.
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