This week we have made oval ladybirds, bumble bees and oval shaped petals for our flowers. Our caterpillars also had oval shaped body parts and will be appearing on our garden display.
We made octopus wind socks and orange jam tarts to link with our letter and colour of the week.
We have started to talk about Easter and this week discussed Palm Sunday. We also made palm leaves and added what we are thankful for to them.
Our caterpillars have changed dramatically this week. They have grown very large and have also started to turn into chrysalis. They will stay like this for a period of 7 to 14 days and so will emerge, unfortunately, in Easter holidays. Therefore we would like to know if anyone could take them home in the butterfly habitat and photograph their development over Easter for us to look at when we return?
Could we also ask if any child would like to take Zoomy home and care for him over the holidays?
Thank you to the parents who came for our last Stay and Play session.
Letter of the week is 'e'
Colour of the week is yellow
Shape of the week is triangle.
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