PARENTS AND CARERS, PLEASE NOTE: No new spellings will be issued this week due to half term next week. Please take this time to recap any tricky spellings from the last 6 weeks 😊
Thank you for your continued support.
Mr. Mc
Preparing for our painting next week. We have been looking at the work of the artist Georgia O'Keeffe and using the flowers in our school garden to give us inspiration. Today we used the ipads to take close up photographs and drew the different parts of a flower (Cosmos)
In outside learning today we watched a video of a garden orb spider spinning a web. We discussed the construction and then moved into our school grounds to see if we could find and draw a web.
Morpeth All Saints Weekly Spellings for Year 3 Test Date - Week 6– 7th December |
-accident |
-actual |
-actually |
-address |
-answer |
-appear |
-breathe |
-build |
-busy |
-business |
Use the look, say, cover, write method to help you learn ! |
Morpeth All Saints Weekly Spellings for Year 3 Test Date - Week 6– 7th December |
-believe |
-appear |
-often |
-group |
-breath |
-continue |
-arrive |
-women |
-describe |
- height |
Use the look, say, cover, write method to help you learn !
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Orange Class were lucky enough to receive a visit from Mr Naylor to talk about the special engineering jobs that he does every day.
Orange Class looked amazing for World Boom Day. They created super artwork, stories and shared their brilliant opinions of our book The Dot. We had so much fun!
This half term Orange Class are focusing on hopping and jumping skills to create a sequence. This week they created one boys against girls.
This week in Computing Orange Class worked hard at creating the initial slides for their branching story PowerPoint. They created the basis of their presentation of hiding on texts and colours.
Orange ac,ass used different textures to explore painting in different bass. They thought carefully about how to arrange this on their page.
Orange Class finally were able to have their PE session outside. They practised their dribbling and team work skills.
Orange Class worked so hard spotting different forms of nouns and adjectives with a partner. They tried to put the words into silly sentences and shared them with their friends.
Orange Class ventured outside to complete their maths lesson. They used the grid method to multiply 2 digit numbers by 1 digit number.
This term Orange Class are focusing on football in PE with NUFC. They focused on using control and staying on their feet this lesson.
Orange Class are focusing on the term Healthy Me this half term in PSHE. They created a role play, advert or song to share with their friends about how to stay healthy.
Orange Class creates their own composition based on Three Little Birds using institute,nets and their voices. They performed them to the rest of the class.
Orange Class are focusing on The Romans this time so spent their first history lesson focusing on comparing events in time and using special vocabulary like before, after, AD, BC and time.
Orange Class are focusing on branching stories this half term. They designed a branching story with their friend using an ICT programme ready to create their PowerPoint.
Orange Class performed their sequences to the rest of year 3 today. They focused on remembering their routine and staying strong.
Orange Class used their Geography lesson to identify why Italy shakes. They needed to use their detective skills to unearth super vocabulary and research natural disasters.
Orange Class had so much fun at their reading cafe. They enjoyed sharing books and cakes with their grown ups.
Orange Class used their teamwork and communication skills to get out of the maze.
Orange Class have tried so hard to complete their Roman homework!
Orange Class became fossils detectives during science and understood how fossils are made and how to successfully excavate a fossil too!
Orange Class needed to use their brilliant detective and inference skills to identify two mystery locations. They needed to follow clues to compare the two places and produced super work!
Orange Class we’re lucky enough to have a visit from Operation Encompass to talk about healthy friendships and relationships. We worked hard to talk about how to approach situations we may find difficult.
Orange Class had their first gymnastics session today. They focused on posture and balancing.
Orange Class spent time practising their times tables. Well done to Josh for being first on the leaderboard.
Orange Class explored the features of Newspaper reports using First News to check. We read some really interesting articles too!
Orange Class enjoyed fact diving for the physical features of Italy. They had to use teamwork to crack the codes.
Orange Class took part in some problem solving challenges with their team mates.
Orange Class played preposition charades to help them with their prepositional phrases.
Orange Class are focusing on problem solving this half term. Exploring their teamwork and communication skills.
Our text for this unit is Wild by Emily Hughes. We read the book and created our own version of the front cover using ICT.
Our focus for this half term is collage. We looked at images by Henry Matisse and used sugar paper to create our own outlines.
Orange Class we’re lucky enough to visit the dis overt museum and really impressed everyone wi5 their super behaviour, knowledge and attitude!
To finish our states of matter topic Orange Class made crispy cakes to see how materials can change state.
Orange Class selflessly made Christmas cards and decorations for members of our family and the community. We talked about why people may be lonely at Christmas.
Orange Class really enjoyed the school trip to the Panto to see Cinderella. They were extremely sensible and had so much fun!
Orange Class have been practising their invasion skills during PE. They needed to intercept the other time and work hard to use their teamwork skills.
Orange Class have been set the target of using wonderful wow words in their writing. They need to use a theasaurus or snowball their ideas with eachother to make sure they’re using the best ones.
Orange Class really enjoyed their taster judo session today. We all tried so hard!
Orange Class spent the afternoon making shadufs. They needed to create them independently, tackle challenges and help their friends.
Orange Class really enjoyed learning about the weather and designing some super outfits to wear.
Orange Class watched the story of Noah’s Ark and identified the qualities Noah must have had to follow God’s request. They snowballed their best ideas with eachother to share their brilliant learning. Well done!
Orange Class have been working on their interception skills this term. They understand the importance of working as a team and making the pitch ‘big’.
Orange Class started their new text this week, we are looking at The Dark by Lemony Snicket. We needed to use our inference skills to identify what the cover shows us. We made some super predictions!
Orange Class spent the last couple of weeks researching and designing shadufs. They watched a video of someone creating a shaduf and thought of the materials they needed to use.
Orange Class have really improved their research skills this term. They are able to use lots of different sources to find information about different subjects. We have researched shadufs, pharaohs and Ancient Egypt so far.
Orange Class really enjoy their weekly library sessions. They are able to choose a book to share with their friends and family.
Orange Class we’re lucky enough to take part in CPR training today. We know what to do in case of an emergency!
Orange Class know that the stories in the Bible are very important and that they happened a very long time ago but we didn’t know where they happened! We spent our RE lesson finding clues and researching the places where some very special things happened! Look at how amazing the end results are...
During our weeks focusing on performance poetry we have been exploring The Magic Box. We worked on small groups to create actions to perform alongside the words.
Orange Class worked really hard to subtract 2 3 digit numbers including exchanging. We understood we might need to borrow from our number neighbour and worked hard to use the correct method.
Orange Class creates some wonderful poems and prayers to thank all of the solider who sacrificed their lives.
Last week Orange Class time traveled to Ancient Egypt. This week during ICT we used our editing skills to edit ourselves into our pictures. We needed to use team work to create a design together.
Orange Class discovered column addition today and worked their socks off! They managed to add 2 3 digit numbers together in 20 seconds. They challenged eachother with bigger numbers to see who was the quickest.
Orange Class are learning dance this term, focusing on the HAKA. We watched footage of a New Zealand game to see how they performed the HAKA and worked as a class to create our own. We needed to make sure we were aggressive, loud and used lots of angry facial expressions. Scary!
Orange Class read through a poem called The Magic Box together. We worked hard to spot the features and challenge eachother to find the feature in the shortest time!
Orange Class needed to use their inference skills to identify five people of God. They used clues to identify how these people led the lives of Christians and which character traits the possessed. They all used their super inference skills so well!
Orange Class time traveled all the way back to Ancient Egypt today. We used our magic glasses to create a timeline stating all of the important events over the past 5,000 years.Luckily, we all came back safely.
During the last yoga session of the term we all experienced some magic. We had to make sure to stay as still and calm as possible and we did it! We all had such a lovely experience.
Orange Class listened to a military piece of music today. We talked about the pace of music, instruments used and if we liked it or not. We all tried so hard!
Orange Class ended their drawing topic by drawing landscapes based on the work of John Barnsdun We had some really messy fun focusing on the lines, shapes and colours used. They all look amazing!
Orange Class had to explore their team work skills today. We watched a video all about how meerkats work together and explained what we thought they did well. We had to implement these skills during a special marshmallow and spaghetti challenge. We showed excellent team work and super brain skills!
Orange Class tried so hard when practising their French conversational skills this week. They worked with their partner to find out each others age, name and nationality. Super tricky stuff!
Orange Class worked so hard when investigating shadows this week. As the sun wasn’t shining bright enough we had to act as the shadows to show how they change over time. We understood that they are longest at the start and the end of the day. What a super effort!
Orange Class started reading a new folk tale ‘The Old Man and the Magic Bowl’. We used a dictionary to find some of the tricky words with our partner. We showed wonderful team work and inquisitive skills. Great job!
Orange Class had so much fun acting out their collaborative folk tales that they turned into play scripts. We had to focus on expression, body language and think about how our characters would act. Well done!
We are so proud of our friends from Orange Class for offering to help with Mrs Steele's worship. Well done for using such big voices and acting so sensibly!
Orange Class have been exploring 3D shapes in their maths lessons. They creates 3D shapes based on their friends clues and followed instructions to identify faces and vertices.
In Orange Class we are trying our very best to improve our handwriting. We take part in dough disco every morning to make sure our fingers are ready. Look at the amazing improvement already!
Orange Class have been learning all about expanded noun phrases this week. They worked together to find nouns and adjectives to associate them with their friends. We had to remember to use the correct punctuation also.
Orange class read a lovely poem about our shadows and we talked about why and how shadows are formed. We investigates if materials were opaque, translucent or transparent.
We made our own shadow puppet show.
Orange Class have been trying very hard to improve their presentation. We are so proud of the children who are trying their very best to make their work as beautiful as possible.
Orange class explored the geographical features of Egypt today using kinetic sand. We talked about the placement of the River Nile, upper and lower Egypt and the natural and man made features.
Orange class have really enjoyed practising ukelele today. We talked about how to properly hold the ukelele and where our hands should go.
Orange class needed to work together to find the attractions of Egypt in our slime pit. We searched through to find the attractions and describe them using adjectives.
Orange class had so much fun in rugby today and got a little bit muddy... oops.
This week we talked about how we can look after Gods creation.
We know that we can look after the land, recycle and be kind to other human beings.
During our PSHE session we talked about the rights we have and the responsibilities that come with them. We made a table to compare them.
This week we focused on learning the rules of netball, basketball and football.
This week we focused on a new yoga sequence to a funky piece of music. We all tried very hard to listen and focus.
Orange class are writing their own folk tale based on Rama and Sita. We are working with a partner to change a little bit of the story and follow a success criteria.
We are looking forward to sharing our stories at the end of the week.
During our SPAG session we focused on homophones. We asked tricky questions and had to find the correct spelling of the answer. We then correctly used the homophones in a sentence.
We are so proud of our friends for all their effort with their homework this week. Well done!
This week we compared two versions of the same folktale. We used a Venn diagram to identify things that were different and the same. We are so proud of our friends for their beautiful presentation.
During our PSHE session we talked about how our choices can affect other people’s emotions. We used pictures to create a scenario and recognise how this could make us feel. We know how important it is to make others feel happy!
During our science lessons we have been learning about the sun as a light source. Today we made leaflets to show others how to stay safe in the sun. We learned all about its powerful UV rays and how to protect our eyes.
This week we spent some time reading our favourite books to our friends. We really enjoyed spending this time together to explore new books.
During our Tuesday maths lesson we focused on reading a calendar. We challenged eachother to find the dates and the correlating days. We recognised special events in the months and used tricky words such as fortnight, penultimate, previous and week.
Orange class really enjoyed exploring prepositions using play dough today. They needed to follow instructions really carefully to make sure they understood the prepositions used.
This week we focused on the pace of the music that we were listening to. We enjoyed sharing the song as a class.
This week in PE we really enjoyed playing smaller games focusing on our defending skills. We needed to make sure our Spider-Man fingers were ready and our brains were switched on.
Orange class are trying so hard to learn their tables. This week we focused on our 5 x table and tried to identify the missing numbers.
We really enjoyed playing a game as a whole class to improve our vocabulary this week. This makes sure that the language we use in our writing is amazing!
Orange class are trying really hard to improve their handwriting this term. We take part in dough disco to make sure or hands and fingers are awake and ready for beautiful handwriting.
we’re trying really hard to learn our times tables in Orange class. Today we focused on practising the 3 X table as a whole class. We started off with 12 children acting as a number to recall the table and tried to trick each other by turning around to hide the answer. We all did so well!
This term we are looking at folktales. We read The Tiger Child together and retold the story in small groups.
In science we spoke about classifying different light sources. We sorted them into natural and man-made using a venn diagram.
This week we really enjoyed drawing the journey of Jefferey the maggot using different lines, we focused on thickness, shape and length.
This week in rugby we wore our tag belts for the first time and tried attack and defence positions.
We really enjoyed our SPAG lesson today sorting words into their word classes. We all did so well and managed to sort nouns, adjectives and verbs.
We really enjoyed sharing our board games this week. We shared the rules and how to play them.
Orange class were so proud of green group this week during guided reading. They really enjoyed playing our new game and finding the correct words to use.
In our yoga session we learned the next part of our rhyme and focused on child’s pose.
we really love sharing our homework with the rest of the class. We’re able to share our creativity and successes.
This week we are going to write our own story based on I'll Take You To Mrs Cole. Today we ordered pictures in our partners and created our own versions of Mrs Cole.
We really enjoyed our rugby session today focusing on skills we starting thinking about next week. Some children were defenders and tried to stop others from scoring. Well done!
We really enjoyed working with a partner today to consolidate some place value knowledge we have learned since starting school. We challenged eachother to lots of different games.
We are lucky enough to take part in a yoga session once a week. This is a really relaxing time to let our brains rest after all of the hard work.
We had so much fun in our maths lesson talking about the < and > symbols. We made our own crocodiles and challenged our friends to make a bigger number than us.
During our RE lesson this week we talked about the creation story and all of the wonderful things that God created. We made a collage with our friends to share some of the wonderful things in our world.
Our class text at the moment is I'll take you to Mrs Cole. We really enjoyed reading it together and making predictions based on what we thought might happen. This lesson we had to create our own scary monster to use in our own version of the story we're writing next week. We made sure to include lots of adjectives, WOW words and adverbs to help with description.
During our rugby session this week we talked about how important communication is in a team game. We really enjoyed working on our throwing and catching skills using a rugby ball with a partner.
Some children in Orange Class have tried so hard with their homework this week. We love sharing all of our hard work and new knowlegde.
Orange class were lucky enough to go see the Tour de Britain on Monday afternoon. We walked down as a Key Stage and really enjoyed waving our Northumberland flags!
Orange Class PE days are Wendesday and Friday for this term.
Please make sure you bring a named water bottle and your reading folder to school with you every day.
Orange Class were stunned when they returned from break to realise their chairs had QUIT! They had enough of being dragged around, not tucked in and don't even mention the swinging! We had to write persuasive letters to convince them to return, thankfully they did!
We really enjoyed making switches during our science lesson. We tested different materials to also see if they were a conductor or an insulator.
We were super during our dance taster session. We used amazing props and really put our all into it. Well done Orange Class!
Mrs Ridley has started to teach us tennis this term. We focused on key skills and how to improve them this week.
We really enjoyed exploring circuits today, we had to figure out how to make the bulb light up.
Orange class really enjoyed taking part in Kidditch. The rules were quite tricky but we had fun... even with the rain!
Some of the boys from Year 4 went to play a football tournament. Team A came 1st and Team B 4th came . Well done!
year 4 worked on some super team building activities. It was such a wonderful experience and were looking forward to working on it a little bit more.
we are so proud of the children who competed at the Tri-golf competition and we even came second. Well done!
Year 4 had so much fun on their Easter visit to Cambo and took part in some great activities!
We really enjoyed making our mother's day cards this year. They were a bit tricky but we all tried our best and helped each other when we were stuck. We hope you love them!
We all really enjoyed taking part in our adventurous activities. We all tried very hard and even if we were scared we gave it a go. Well done Orange Class!
We had so much fun on superhero day. We set ourselves targets and tried to beat them throughout the day. We all tried so hard!
We took part in lots of fun science activities this week and explored lots of very fun careers. We had so much fun and learned so much.
Key Stage 2 were lucky enough to take part in an Ancient Greek day. We took part in food tasting, a workshop where we saw real Ancient Greek artefacts and acted out a play inspired by Ancient Greece.
We really enjoyed visiting Live Tales to write a creative story. We worked together to create a setting, character and the first part of the story.
Following on in our English topic we followed instructions just like Brother Theopane to make our own inks from fruit and vegetables we might find in the countryside. We had to make sure to follow the instructions carefully without any help from Miss Hunt or Mrs Ridley to make sure we didn't make any mistakes. We dyed some cloths beautiful colours to make illuminated letters later on in our topic!
Today we spoke about our hopes and dreams during circle time. We spent our time talking about our biggest dream, then we discussed what could possibly stop us from achieving our dream and what we needed to do to get there. We wrote our dreams onto a CD and hung them on our dreams tree.
Today we had our first golf session. We focused on aiming for a target using our hands, our feet and a golf club. We had to make sure that we were in the zone of safety when we weren't playing and that everyone was always safe.
Today we had our first outside PE lesson of 2019. We played football in mixed teams and made sure to work on our dodging and tackling skills. Well done no-bibs for winning the tournament!
When researching Ancient Greek leisure we found out that in Ancient Greece only men used to preform in theatres. As the Ancient Greeks used to wear masks in theatre we decided to make our own using paper mache. We chose a design and made sure to apply the paper mache carefully so that the balloons didn't pop!
This week we started our new book 'The ink garden of Brother Theopane.' This book is based on a monk who creates beautiful inks from natural resourced. It is part of our instructions and explanations topic. We spent our first lesson using oral instructions to instruct our partner on how to form a letter. From this we went on to write letters for someone in reception to follow on how to form a letter.
Key Stage 2 were given the very important job of looking after a pet. They made a pom-pom pet, a house and talked about what we had to do to make sure our pet was healthy and safe. We all did such a great job!
While Year 4 are taking part in P4C year 3 have been asked to write a school newspaper! Using there interests and expertese they are creating a newspaper using the computer.
This week we started our new book 'Can you catch a mermaid?' We then wrote a character description about the main characters including lots of amazing adverbs, adjectives and super punctuation!
On Friday afternoon Year 4 takes part in P4C and problem solving activities with Miss Halliday and Mrs Mclaughlin. This is a great opportunity to share views, opinions and answer some tricky questions.
During our first session with NUFC we worked on problem solving skills. We needed to work out how our group could move ourselves from one side of the hall and back without touching the floor! We made sure that we communicated with each other and used team-work skills to complete the challenge. Mrs Ridley and Miss Hunt were so proud of our efforts!
This term we approached silent reading time a little bit differently. In December we talked about what we liked to read at home and at school so we set up 4 different stations: newspapers, hero of the week, non-fiction and reading with a grown up. These stations help us to practise our prediction, visualisation and fact-finding skills. We love it so far!
This week in maths we started looking at fractions. We made sure to understand what each number means in a fraction and why it is set out that way. We were superstars when finding a fraction of amount. We were able to use number squares, circles or blocks to help us if we found it tricky!
We have lots of exciting learning planned for the spring term.
We are starting our new topic Ancient Greece which covers history, geography and art. The pre-learning tasks are available on the website and a copy should be in your homework books.
Our science topic this term is sound and we are really looking forward to taking part in very exciting investigations.
We are exploring decimals and fractions in maths this term. You can always practise your times tables on Times Table Rockstars to help.
Our first new text that we are using in English is called 'Can you catch a mermaid?' It is part of our myths and legends topic and I am looking forward to reading the interesting mythical creatures that orange class will create to use in their very own myth.
Morpeth panto came to visit us this week. We were able to watch a very funny performance that had lots of hilarious characters. Afterwards we had a workshop to help us with our acting skills. It was very helpful and lots of fun!
You can purchase tickets to the pantomine here
Year 3 were lucky enough to be invited to the multisports festival at Morpeth leisure centre. They took part in dance, judo and rhythmic gymnastics. They all tried so hard!
We all really enjoyed singing Christmas carols in the arcade to raise money for the RNIB. We made sure to sing with extra clear and loud voices for everyone to hear us. Even though it was chilly we all made a great effort.
We were superstars sewing our poison dartfrog beanbags. We had to make sure to listen to our grown up carefully and make sure we knew where leave room to put in the stuffing. We all made a super effort and are very excited to decorate them with lovely patterns.
Key Stage 2 really enjoyed our trip to the Sunderland Wintergardens. We all attended a workshop based on plants in the rainforest, a trail and enjoyed time around the museum. We found out lots of fun facts that we can use in our topic lessons and all felt so lucky to be able to experience what it is like to be in an actual rainforest!
We really enjoyed making festive decorations for our family this week. We wanted to link this with our outdoor learning and found these lovely santa logs. We made these using paint, pom-poms and google eyes donated by the Naylor family and the Owen family! We are so grateful and think they look great.
This week we use a classifying key to find out about different animals. This was a little bit tricky but we tried our best to make sure that we were answering the question correctly.
Today we started writing about our new book The Hole. We focused on making notes about each page and changing them into paragraphs. We made sure to add adverbs, adjectives, punctuation, conjunctions and similes to make our writing the best that it could be.
We have finally started making our poison dart frog bean bags. Today we cut out the templates of our dart from on felt using special fabric scissors and making sure that we followed the lines carefully.
Orange class are lucky enough to take part in a Judo workshop fortnightly. They are taught how to safely take part in judo and the history behind it. Children worked in pairs to practise what they had learned.
Orange class have really enjoyed taking part in outdoor learning every fortnight. With the help of Mrs Calvert they have enjoyed exploring our environment, making art from our environment and identifying how it can help us in the classroom. I am so proud of their determination and great work ethic (even in the rubbish weather).
Orange Class take part in Show and Tell on Friday afternoons. We spend some time talking about the things that our friends have done this week to make them feel proud. Some children bring in medals, pieces of writing they have completed or some exciting information they have found about our topic.
In our performance poetry topic we listened to poems by Michael Rosen. We then made mind maps about the things we liked about his poem and how it was different to other poems we had heard of. We worked in small groups to do this and shared ideas together.
Orange class really enjoyed their performance poetry topic. We worked really hard spotting punctuation used in poetry and how rhythm and rhyme can make our poems better. We ended this topic by making a rap with one of our friends and sharing it with the rest of the class!
This week we have been focusing on compact addition. We are all learning about the importance of using our place value to make sure that we avoid silly mistakes. We really enjoyed using spinners to create our own 3 digit questions in pairs. We then made our own spinners to challenge our friends.
Year four are really enjoying their pocket trumpet lessons. They understand the importance of listening carefully, deep breaths and concentration. Year 3 are very excited to see their preformance!
Orange class have recently been taking part in 10 minutes of yoga a day. We think this is a great brain break and we all concentrate very well! Some of the poses are tricky but we all make sure to try our best. We love using Cosmic Kids click HERE to see what we follow.
This week in maths we are focusing on plotting numbers on a numberline. We used rolls of paper that were bigger than us to plot numbers up to 8000! Using our place value we were able to make this a little bit easier for ourselves and all made some lovely number lines that we can use to help our maths work this week.
Year 3 and 4 were lucky enough to meet some very creepy crawly visitors today. Guy from Bugs n Stuff came in with his amazing array of creatures from the rainforest. We were all so excited to be able to see real creatures that live in the rainforest in our school. We were all able to stroke a red kneed tarantula, a snake and watch a stick insect parachute itself to safety. Orange class think this is going to produce some amazing writing and was a great way to bring the rainforest to Morpeth!
During the autumn terms we are going to make a poison dart frog beanbag. Last week we designed our bean bag. We understood that poision dart frogs are colouring and have beautiful patterns! This week we investigated how to attach our beanbags together. We looked at four cushions that had been attached together in different ways. We explored the good and bad parts of attaching them in this way and decided how we would like to attach our bean bags together. We have all decided to sew our beanbags together. We know it might be tricky but we are all going to work super hard!
We are really enjoying the English sessions delivered by Newcastle United Foundation. For the last three weeks we have been writing a poem using adverbs, adjectives and similies. We have been using these in our English lessons to describe Horrid Henry too, so we are experts! Now we are writing a persuasive leaflet to encourage people to attend Newcastle United football games!
We practise our times tables every day in orange class because they really help us in our maths lessons. We enjoy taking part in lots of activities in small groups or as a whole class. Today we played the 'Think Fast!' game with a beach ball and really enjoyed challenging eachother. We also use daily ten, multiplication grids, beat the clock and flash cards to make sure that we're up to speed. Do you practise your tables at home?
During our English lesson we talked about all the different reading that we take part in. Lots of children enjoy reading a story before bed, some children enjoy reading magazines or comics and some children enjoy reading the newspaper that is delivered to school. We also talked about who we read to or read with. Lots of children say that the reading garden in our classroom is a nice place to read and choose to do this in their free time.
Where is your favourite place to read?
We are studying the topic Mama Mia in music! In our first lesson we listened to the song really carefully and discussed how the song made us feel. I am so proud of everyone in the class for joining in and putting so much effort into their music lessons. Even though some children were a little bit nervous to perform they all tried their best.
In a geography lesson we talked about the different layers of the rainforest and thought about which animals and plants might live in each. Then in our topic groups we then each made a layer of the rainforest so that we could put them together to make one giant rainforest! We are so proud of how they turned out! Can you spot each layer?
How amazing is the rainforest art that we completed this week? We have been following guided drawings very carefully to produce some amazing artwork. We understand how important each line in a drawing is and we are aware of how important it is to listen carefully to instructions. Could you draw a rainforest animal at home?
The topic that we are studying this term is ‘The Rainforest’. In our science lesson we explored the different plants that you would find in the rainforest, searching through different materials to find facts and matched them to plants. This was super messy work but we now know lots of interesting facts!
As Headteacher of Morpeth All Saints Church of England First School, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our vibrant, caring and happy school. At Morpeth All Saints we strive to enable all children within our care to achieve their very best, fully utilising their God given gifts and talents.
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