Week Beginning Monday 26th March:
Sport Relief 2018
We had a 'Go Jetters' dancing challenge. We then ran around our outdoor area lots of times and added our steps to the Sport Relief total. We all received a Sport Relief certificate and gold sticker medal for taking part.
Following on from last week when we talked about Jesus visiting Jerusalem on a donkey and all the people laying palm leaves down for him, this week we talked about the Easter story. We watched the story together then made a giant cross that we will cover with flowers next week. As we were talking about the cross, we looked at hot cross buns and noticed they had a cross on them too which reminds us of the Easter story. They were very tasty!
British Science Week
We have been Scientists all week this week. We poured milk into trays and added two different food colours to the milk with a dropper. Then we added washing up liquid with a cotton bud and watched as the washing up liquid made all the colours move around the milk like magic. We also carried out a tasty chocolate experiment. We held two giant chocolate buttons in our hands while Mrs Jennings read the poem 'Chocolate' by Michael Rosen. At the end we opened our hands and the chocolate had changed! We talked about what had happened to the chocolate and why then enjoyed licking it off our hands!
Bubbles, Bubbles Everywhere!
Mrs Sanderson came into Nursery and made giant bubbles with us that we could stand inside. She used a hoop as a bubble wand and mixed washing up liquid, cornflour and glycerine together to make a very strong bubble mixture. Have a try making giant bubbles at home.
World Maths Day
We have linked World Maths Day to our current space theme. We read Q Pootle then tried to build our own rocket with junk modelling. We had to remember to count back from 10 to 0!
We have hunted for numbered alien ships in the outdoor area, weighed moon rocks, made aliens with lots of googly eyes, painted small and large aliens, jumped along a number rocket and lots more!
As part of World Languages Day we listened and joined in with a ‘Hello’ song in lots of languages. We also looked at flags from the countries that were in the song. We then joined in with a ‘hello’ song with Mr Tumble, using Makaton sign language. We found out that Freya’s Daddy would say hello as ‘bongu’ if he was in Malta with his Mummy. Neve taught us how to say hello in French.
We also read the story of The Good Samaritan from the stories Jesus told. We then made sure we were good friends throughout the day, to each other. We even wrapped each other in bandages to re-enact the story!
As Headteacher of Morpeth All Saints Church of England First School, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our vibrant, caring and happy school. At Morpeth All Saints we strive to enable all children within our care to achieve their very best, fully utilising their God given gifts and talents.
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