Here at Morpeth All Saints we believe that our curriculum should never be static and should be as individual as the children it serves. With this in mind, we continue to work hard developing our curriculum entitlement documents alongside our skills progression for both core and non-core subjects ensuring that it is rooted in our intent, it is implemented effectively and has the desired impact for our children.
If you would like further information contact
Mrs. D. Brett (Headteacher)
Here at Morpeth All Saints we are extremely proud of the extensive range of curriculum enrichment opportunities that we offer during each academic year. We actively promote pupil involvement in all aspects of school life and whilst some activities on offer directly support and enhance our rich curriculum, others enable pupils to benefit from new challenges, experiences and to engage in teamwork and other life skills. The curriculum enrichment document below sets out the breadth of enrichment opportunities offered within a normal school year.
Probably the easiest way to help your child is to read each day. Children should be encouraged to read aloud and read on their own, but being read to is really important, too, so don’t overlook the bedtime story. For younger children beginning to learn to read and write we use a synthetic phonics programme called Letters and Sounds. We know phonics can be confusing to parents so we offer a phonics sessions for parents in the Autumn term. If you missed this or need a refresher don’t hesitate to ask staff. Encourage your child to listen and say sounds. Try to avoid adding the “uh” sound to letters such as “b”, “c” or “d”. Say the shortest sound you can (a short “b” rather than “buh”, a long “mmm” rather than “muh”. Again ask us if you are unsure. Parents often say they are less confident about supporting their child with Maths. Don’t say that Maths is less important or that you weren’t good at Maths at school. Children might believe that this means it’s okay to have lower expectations. Have a look at the Maths Calculation Policy in the Maths section above, where you can see methods of carrying out addition, subtraction multiplication and division.
Daily Reading:
Reading and being read to daily is one of the most important (and enjoyable) activities you can do to help your child with their learning. Even as they get older, these times are essential to help them grow in confidence as a reader, learning new vocabulary and understand what they are reading. Whether a picture book, an e-book or a thick chapter book, make this the highlight of you and your child's day.
Daily practice is much more effective than last minute cramming the night before the test. You could ask your child to use the words to write messages or sentences, or play the game where you have to fit it into conversation.
Times Tables:
Facts should be known by the end of Year 4 – this means being able to say the answer to a multiplication or division question within five seconds. Again daily practice is more effective than last minute cramming. The school have purchased a highly enjoyable online Times Table Rockstars subscription to help children practise at home as well as school. Wherever you are, practice in the car, walking to school, chanting forward and backwards, singing or skipping along can all help.
In Key Stage 1 & 2
Across curricular approach is also applied to homework. At the beginning of each term a series of homework projects will be given which cover a range of subjects as their base. They can be completed in any order and are intended to promote an interest in and engagement in learning independently.
As Headteacher of Morpeth All Saints Church of England First School, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our vibrant, caring and happy school. At Morpeth All Saints we strive to enable all children within our care to achieve their very best, fully utilising their God given gifts and talents.
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