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Morpeth All Saints Church of England Aided First School

Purple - KS1

Welcome to KS1 - Purple Class!

Purple Class 2018 - 2019


Please find below information about your class


Hello from Mrs Munro, Mrs Roberts and Mrs Hawkes.

Please take a look at all the interesting subjects we learn about in Purple class.

Helpful websites:


For Maths Homework each week log on to:


Remember to add your Username / Password / School Code

(Please see Mrs Munro / Mrs Roberts if you have trouble accessing)


For Phonics:


Information about the Phonics Screening Test (Year 1) can be found on the following PDF document which has links to other websites.

School Term 2018 - 2019

Stars of the week for GYMNASTICS

Week 3 Today in our topic work we found out all about the countries that made up the UK. We ended the session by making our own Union Jack flags.

Week 2 - TOPIC work.  this term we are finding out 'ALL ABOUT ME'.  we have started the history element and have been thinking about events so far in our lives, family trees and today we learnt about what it was like when our Grandparents were children.  What did they play with? What did they eat?  What did they have in their homes that are different to what we have now?  The children explored atray of toys that came from the era their Grandparents were children.

WEEK 2 - In gymnastics this term we learning about travelling.


We are taking part in YOGA classes this half term.

WEEK 1 - A great start to the term. Lots of getting to know you activities and learning new routines. On Friday we all worked together to select the names for our class groups. We will be having sea creatures: Whistling Whales / Slippery Seals / Funny Fish & Creeping Crabs

Transition Day - July 2018

School Year 2017 - 2018

TERM OVERVIEWS - What will we be learning about this term. This information can now be found on the menu bar: Statutory Information: Curriculum: KS1

End of Term. Thank you for all your kind remarks and gifts. We will miss you all. Mrs Munro and Mrs Roberts

The final banner made for MORPETH MARKETS web page - showing worked created by Purple Class. It look fantastic! Well done

In football with Newcastle Academy this week, the children put their skills learnt into practice, by playing matches. Many goals were scored! Last week (4/7/18) involved practising some hand-eye coordination skills in throwing. A game of handball was played at the end. The trickiest part was to remember to stop once in possession of the ball.

In Science children were given a challenge. It was... to make a bridge that will support the weight of a toy car using eight sheets of A4 paper and sticky tape. The bridge had to be longer than 40cm and be able to support the weight of the car without being held or secured at either end. They could not tape their bridge to each side of the 40cm gap! This was definitely a challenge, but lots of fun!!

Today we had a session learning all about how to STREET DANCE. The children loved adding 'the floss' in the free style section.

This term in R.E. we have been exploring Christianity through ART. We have just finished our own ILLUMINATED LETTERS. They look GREAT!

We can describe 3D shapes and their properties. We played together in pairs a 'Guess my shape?' game. Fantastic co-operation, team work and consideration for others. Well done Purple class

Today we went on a journey on the Endeavour. We explored what it would feel like to be in the hull of a tall ship. What sights, sounds and smells might we come across? How might sailors have felt?

Penguin Pig ! Children listened to a brilliant play all about internet safety, followed by a workshop about both internet safety and how to express different emotions through your face and body.

Non-uniform Day - for England's first game in "The World Cup 2018" - All the children are dressed in sports wear for the event. It's a bit windy today! We also learnt a few facts about The World Cup and children designed their own football top. They are all fabulous I am sure you will agree!

Football and throwing ball skills this week with Tony - children did high skip/side step/ball bouncing/ball passes - underarm, chest pass and bounce pass.

We have been designing a new web banner for Morpeth Markets - LOOK at the fabulous pictures drawn of the market traders. WELL DONE

In PE, we have a Newcastle Academy person (Tony) in to teach the children some football skills - Agility, Balance and Co-ordination.

This term we are learning about Captain James Cook. This is his ship called 'The Endeavour'.

Preparing for our Sports Day - how to throw a howler and how to balance a beanbag on our heads.

D&T - Our finished hand puppets. We finished our puppets today by sewing them together. We had to decide which stitch we wanted to use: running or over stitch.

Finishing off our hand puppets

Celebrating the Royal Wedding

Working on the KS1 vegetable bed. We planted dwarf french beans and kale. We also weeded and moved top soil. Thank you for your help.

Starting the construction of our puppets in D&T. Today we used our design sheet to start making our hand puppets. We cannot wait until they are all finished.

Our new class pets! We have been given a kind donation of a WORMERY by children in our class. Yesterday we set it up and today we will be adding the WORMS! This fits nicely with our Science this term about plants. THANK YOU

Hoopstarz came into school and the children enjoyed learning some tricks. Some showed off their new skills to the rest of the school!

PUPPETS - D&T: In the next few weeks we will be designing and making our own poppets. Today Mrs Roberts taught us two new stitches (1) RUNNING (2)OVER stitch. Mrs Roberts was very impressed..

ATHLETICS - this term we are learning about athletics. Today we learnt about ways to help us run faster.

Cricket Sessions - we played a real match!

In the first summer term this year we will be studying PLANTS in science. Today we found out what we already knew and planted radish seeds (which will sprout in 7 - 10 days) and giant sunflower seeds that will sprout in three weeks.

In Science children explored micro-habitats looking for mini-beasts. They found slugs, earthworms, snails, spiders and ants.

Easter Time - Some of Purple Class have made some fabulous egg creations for the Easter competition!

Purple class made their own dance up to the Sports Relief song 2018. Video to follow

We had a cricket taster session today - we learnt about working to better our own skills.

We have been raising money for the Hedgehog charity that came to talk to us at the end of February. We decided to have fun, using the money to make pictures of British wildlife.

British Science Week - we had a visit from a STEM embassador (Mrs Dewhirst). She talked in assembly about engineering and told us all about her work as a civil engineer.

Celebrating WORLD BOOK DAY 2018 - We all came dressed in our favourite character costumes. Mrs Roberts read 'The Darkest Dark' by astronaut Chis Hadfield and we learnt the order of the planets. In the morning we enjoyed a session with a story teller who told us a story about an old woman, a cockerel and a sultan.

Kandinsky - Colour Creations - WOW! The children produced some fantastic art work.

A visit from the Northumbrian Hedgehog Rescue Trust. We learnt all about hedgehogs and what to do if we find an injured one.

Thursday 1st February 2018 - Today we took undertook a 10 minute bird watch. We saw wag tails, crows, wood pigeons, seagulls ... The children were very excited. We camouflaged ourselves under the fort.

ART - Can you guess who the portrait is?

This term's hall display celebrating our work in Science. The display contains a pictogram of class results and the homework about their pets. Thank you for all your hard work.

Work inspired by the artist Piet Mondrian in our 'Colourful Creations' topic this term

We discovered what the three primary colours are and what happens when we mix them together,

Prayer Spaces - Empty Plate. We thought about and then wrote a prayer about people in this world who don't always have food to eat. Here are some of our finished plates.

In PE this term we are doing GYMNASTICS. Today we explored different ways of travelling. Can you see any snakes? Any monkeys? ...


We really enjoyed our Christmas party - we played the Chocolate game, Heads and Tails, Pass the Parcel ... We all had a fun time and the children were credited for their stunning good manners. Well done

Children look great on Christmas Jumper Day !

We had a visit from Bobby the Bear. He wears hearing aids and he told us how we could help him. We have to follow the five special rules:

Inter-Faith Week - Purple class learnt some information about Sikhism. They made Nishan Sahib flags.

Friendship week in Purple Class - What qualities make a good friend?

Art - This half term it is all about the Earth. Children made a design, then painted their stone with this design. We think they are fabulous!

Computing - working in ICT suite. We inputted data via the keyboard, working in pairs. We used WORD.

Today we had a JUDO taster session. The children really enjoyed participating.

OUTDOOR LEARNING - Tree identification. Is it evergreen or deciduous? What shape leaf does it have? Is it shiny or dull?

RE - Our World, Jesus' World - Children had great fun learning about, and dressing up in clothes similar to what people wore in Jesus' time.

We finally finished our paper mache hedgehogs - They look great!

YOGA - Week 6. Today our parents had the chance to come and join us for a yoga session in the hall.

Paper sculptures made in art this week - we looked at rolling, bending, twisting, curling the paper to make sculptures. Week 6

We have been making our own paper models - using layers of newspaper and glue. The children are making their own hedgehogs.

Harry Potter - dinner day. Can you spot yourself?

In ART we made stained glass windows using the initial letter of our names. CAN YOU SEE YOUR WINDOW?

Our topic in DT is Paper Art. We made collages to show what the woods might look like in autumn.

Hello - A great big welcome from both your  teachers, Mrs Munro (Mon - Weds) and Mrs Roberts (Thurs - Fri).  Here is an overview of the areas we will be covering this term:

Summer Term 1 Overview for Parents 2017

Spring Term 2 Overview for Parents 2017

Spring Term 1 Overview for Parents 2017

Autumn Term 2 Overview for Parents 2016

Autumn Term 1 Overview for Parents 2016

A few photos from Alnwick Castle - lots of fun was had by all! July 2017

Design & Technology - We have been designing, building and evaluating our own me