Purple Class 2018 - 2019
Please find below information about your class
Hello from Mrs Munro, Mrs Roberts and Mrs Hawkes.
Please take a look at all the interesting subjects we learn about in Purple class.
Helpful websites:
For Maths Homework each week log on to:
Remember to add your Username / Password / School Code
(Please see Mrs Munro / Mrs Roberts if you have trouble accessing)
For Phonics:
Information about the Phonics Screening Test (Year 1) can be found on the following PDF document which has links to other websites.
Week 2 - TOPIC work. this term we are finding out 'ALL ABOUT ME'. we have started the history element and have been thinking about events so far in our lives, family trees and today we learnt about what it was like when our Grandparents were children. What did they play with? What did they eat? What did they have in their homes that are different to what we have now? The children explored atray of toys that came from the era their Grandparents were children.